What could be going wrong?

My son was diaognosed feb 2011. We have had great success at home, but at school his numbers are all over the place. It is very confusing, and frustrating. I am lmost ready to pull him out of school to homeschool him just to control his numbers more. This is something I don't want to do because we are trying to keep his routine as norml as possible. Any ideas?

Firstly, I am sorry for your son's recent diagnosis.  There are so many emotions and fears you are both feeling at this time...it will get better and a new "normal" will surface.  I have a son, Lucas,  that was diagnosed at 37 months - he is 8 years old now.

There are a few things that could make control difficult right now:

First, your son's body is likely in a transition period where he still produces some insulin - they call this the honeymoon period.  Some people find the diabetes easier to control at this time, however there are other's like myself that have found it more difficult.  Lucas did not seem to produce a consistent amount of insulin on his own - sometimes he needed almost no additional insulin and sometimes he needed a lot.  This made the honeymoon period a rollercoaster for us.

Second, you are just finding out what affects his blood glucose other than food and exercise.  This is not the same for everyone, so you just have to start to learn what to expect.  Stress and adrenaline (friendship troubles, tests, competition) raises Lucas' blood glucose significantly - Excitement and intense concentration / learning (parties, joking with friends, learning new math or reading skills) all lower his blood glucose significantly.  When Lucas was learning to read we would check his sugars before we started 140's and just half an hour into it he would be in the 70's.  His brain just drained that much sugar!

Lastly, most people have a "difficult" time of day to have control.  Lucas' is in the morning.  From 8-11am,  I have no clue where his numbers will go. I can give him the same measured breakfast, same insulin and same activity.   When I check his sugars at this time I am not surprised to see a 300 or a 50.  I just know we need to check often and be on top of it everyday.  Once he goes too low or spikes too high the numbers bounce up and down for a while before they settle again.

So, those are all the reasons your son may be having difficulties while at school...now you have to get your son taken care of.  I do not know how old he is or if he goes to a private or a public school.  Lucas goes to a public school and the state (maryland) provides him with his own nurse.  We had to request this and fight for him to be able to check his sugars in the classroom etc. She is not with him in his classroom the whole day, but is on the playground and in Gym class with him.  She is also there when any testing is done to make sure his numbers are o.k.  She probably checks his sugars 4-8 times a school day depending on how many lows he has.  She is absolutely a genius at predicting his trends and regaining control after our difficult morning hours.  Lucas loves his nurse and he is such a rough and tumble kid that this has not affected the way he views himself or his friends view him.  For us it is the best solution for now.  Lucas is on the pump and we are trying to get the continuous glucometer to work for him (we have had some start up difficulties) - we will evaluate and change things as he grows and technology helps him.  I urge you to find your "best" solution.  I know another parent that decided to homeschool - this was the best solution for them.  In the end, you need to make sure your son is safe and healthy AND happy.

Take Care,


Stress.  Stress from school or anything can make a huge difference in blood sugars.  Sometimes my daughter would have to come home because she was sick with high blood sugar.  That is why they have state laws to protect students with Type 1, during testing and any other time of day at school.  Also, you are probably growing out of  the "honeymoon stage" so it will be harder to control.  But school is very stressful.  My daughter was 9 and VERY private about it at first, that made it even harder, because she didnt want to be different.  Eventually, she was A LITTLE more open about it, but I dont think she will ever just come out at school and tell people she has diabetes.  When people ask her about her pump or why she is giving herself injections, she tells them to mind their own business.  Sometimes, if she is in the mood to tell them, she will explain it to them.


Hope this helps.  Remember, everything can alter blood sugars and your control of them.  Evenutually your son will know when he feels, lows or highs and be able to predict them and be proactive.