What are some code words or code names you use?

I was just curious if anyone uses code names of code words for diabetes terms like ketosticks, high blood sugar, etc.....


I think I am confused LOL what do you mean?

In public, we say "elevated" instead of high :)

high blood sugar = "i'm high"

insulin = "herion"

taking a shot = "shooting up"


testing blood sugar and dosing before a meal = "doing your stuff"

That's all I got.

I do not say this, my friend does, and I think it is so cute. He says "do you need to doctor yourself" I love it :)

[quote user="Batts"]

insulin = "herion"



Then you'd definitely love the diabetic soundtrack tune I posted yesterday.  It was "The Needle Lies" by Queensryche.  I know it's about heroin or something but the beginning they introduce him to it and they say "You can't walk away now".  Then the verse they say "Don't ever trust the needle, it cries, cries your name".

When your BS is high it dang sure does!


when my hsuband was in college, he was in the bathroom drawing his injection and someone called security on him b/c he was 'shooting up' LOL!!!  he was p***ed!! 

[quote user="DDrumminMan"]

[quote user="Batts"]

insulin = "herion"



Then you'd definitely love the diabetic soundtrack tune I posted yesterday.  It was "The Needle Lies" by Queensryche.  I know it's about heroin or something but the beginning they introduce him to it and they say "You can't walk away now".  Then the verse they say "Don't ever trust the needle, it cries, cries your name".

When your BS is high it dang sure does!



hah i'll try and remember to listen to it sometime