Weird Question

My gaurdian has told me I can’t have kids b/c of my T1D. Is this true?

No, that is not true. My pregnancy 29 years ago was hell for me and that was due to my age and lack of control prior to becoming pregnant. There is much, much more help for women with T1D and pregnant and more babies born healthy. Work with your doctor(s) before and during your pregnancy to have a healthy baby and enjoy being a parent.:blush:

Thx. I have quite a bit till that time (I’m 13) but it helps to know now. :slight_smile:

I have 3 kids ages 8,3,2 you just want to make sure you have it controlled .

I was diagnosed at the end of January so I have only been living with Type 1 Diabetes for about 9 months. My question is how do I deal with the ignorant high schoolers who have no clue what they are talking about when they talk about diabetes. For example for my English class we have to do this project where we have to advertise candy and have claims and counterclaims. Of course everyone around me says, “candy is so sugary and causes diabetes” as a counterclaim. I don’t know if it’s just because it’s so new to me that I’m sensitive to it or what. Would love to have some advice on how to handle this type of situation.

@NatalieF… hi Natalie… hey if I can be completely honest… yes it’s because you’re sensitive… those stupid people were right there, year before last… you are just seeing them more clearly now but it’s you that changed. as far as afflictions go, most people will never understand because they don’t have to live it, in fact, injections, testing, counting carbs - is so upsetting to some people may will look away and refuse to learn anything about it.

we get it completely, because we have to. Also, we are here for you.

Trying to teach them all will infuriate you and exhaust you and you need your strength for YOU. I limit teaching to only those people who really want to learn. It’s part of my handy list of rules for me to be happy.

Anyway welcome to Type One Nation, and the club no one wants to be in. I hope you are doing ok.

Hey. Just saw this and thought I’d jump into the convo because I completely understand what you’re feeling.
The truth is, there are always gonna be ignorant people in the world, especially when it comes to a condition like this one, with so many misconceptions surrounding it. If it’s really bothering you, there are a few things you can do.

  1. I usually try to use situations like that as an education tool. Obviously you don’t want to sound preachy, but especially if it’s your friends or classmates, there’s nothing wrong with saying “Actually, I have diabetes and it’s an autoimmune condition, it has nothing to do with eating too much sugar.” It’s important to remember that they’re not trying to be rude–they genuinely don’t know any better, so don’t blame them for that.
  2. Obviously you can’t educate everyone. Sometimes if it’s a person you don’t know, or the situation just isn’t right, you might not want to say anything. In those cases, just remind yourself–there was a time when you had that kind of ignorance, right? They’re blessed not to know any better. They’re blessed with a working pancreas. That’s not their fault, any more that your less-than-effective pancreas is your fault. :slight_smile: So just take a deep breath and be happy for them, with the knowledge that you’re so much stronger than they realize. (In fact, I kinda like to think of myself as a superhero–I look like a normal person, but I have a whole other “secret life” or series of battles that people don’t know about. And that’s pretty frigging cool.)

Amanda, no that is not true, if it were there wouldn’t be many people on the planet. Find a doctor that specializes in diabetic pregnancy…