I just don't get it

hey everybody! I've been having a little trouble lately, a lot of trouble actually..... I have been T1D for almost 9 years (dxd when I was twenty) for some reason I still just don't get it. It's so hard to take care of myself and do what I should to make sure I am (and stay) healthy. It's almost like I forget that I'm diabetic, or I want to pretend I'm not. I need to make this a priority and I just can't find a way to do it. Any suggestions on how to change my way of thinking would be greatly appreciated :) thanks!

Hi Bethanne,

I've had Diabetes for over 20 years (27 years old now) and I still don't get it sometimes. I think it's easy to trick ourselves because we look normal, and probably feel fairly normal most of the time. For years I pretended like I didn't have it- that wasn't a good idea. I've had several serious complications since then.

My suggestion is to remember that even when we want to forget, our body is remembering and it can only do so much on it's own. I think it's really important to talk to other Type 1's as well. Sometimes I feel that we tend to be so isolated from one another. Even though I've had this disease for 20 years, I haven't met that many people that I know are Type 1 (aside from Diabetes camp, etc).

It's hard and it's not fun so we need to stick together! If you ever need any support or just want to complain (I know I want to more often than not) feel free to get in touch with me! I will add you as a friend :)

Hi Bethanne and Sarai,

I have had Diabetes for over 25 years now (I'm 28).  I also had problems in the past with pretending that I just didn't have the disease.  I can't say I'm perfect now, either, but I'm working on it.  I think it just helps to know that others have the same struggles since it really can feel like I'm alone.  

Thank you both! Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who struggles so I appreciate knowing it's not just me. Tomorrow is another day :)

Hey Bethanne,

It happens to me too. Really, it's easy to forget that you have it. It should not stop you from doing anything, but when doing certain stuff, just be prepared and make sure you're okay to perform them. It seems really difficult at times and I've had it 9 years (not as much as the people above me, but still long!). You just need to try and keep a positive outlook. Always prepare yourself and there will be less stress involved! In the event that you do forget, you have your  backup ready to go.

We all handle day to day diabetes management differently.  

Are you having constant highs and lows?  

Have you seen a doctor recently?

What are the specific things you're struggling with?

Hi jennagrant- I'm so embarrassed to say that I have trouble with almost everything. I always test in the morning and take my levemir, always. The rest of it I seriously struggle with--taking my novolog and testing the rest of the day. I haven't seen my doctor because I have new insurance and she doesn't take my new one, and I haven't gotten a new doctor because I'm in the process of moving to Germany. To be honest,   I tend to not like my doctors because I feel like they aren't helping me in the emotional /mental part of diabetes and that's the part I think I need the most help with, they just yell at me and I don't handle that well.

I need to make my diabetes a priority but don't know how to "train" myself.

We're expecting a huge snowstorm tomorrow so maybe it will be a good day to stay in and focus on me and taking care of the big D :)

Hey, I totally understand what you're saying about the emotional/mental side of diabetes. To be blunt, managing diabetes isn't rocket science. But if you're particularly stressed or depressed, managing your diabetes IS difficult. Sometimes, if I'm feeling down, I make less of an effort and my blood sugar levels reflect that. Of course, this creates a vicious cycle because my blood sugar levels in turn affect my mood...negatively. What's important to realize, though, is that a lot of the time the problem - or rather the root problem - is psychological, and the only way to remedy the situation effectively is to confront it head on. When I'm feeling depressed about something and my depression begins to affect my diabetes management, my primary reaction isn't, Oh, no! Why can't I keep my diabetes under control?! ...but instead, Oh, no! How can I get rid of this depression?!