Wacky blood sugar...why?

I'm a little frustrated today. I woke up and my BS was 212 (I normally run low in the AM) before lunch it didn't budge even though I corrected. After lunch (and after nap) BS was 153. I did yoga, then went to the mall, my before dinner BS was 330!! I have no idea where it came from! The only thing I can think of is that I haven't been able to exercise because I injured my feet and today was my first day exercising again.... What effect does exercise have on you??

 Normally a random bad number doesn't bother me too much, I just try to fix it. but today I really feel like I failed. Tomorrow's another day....

Do you have an insulin pump? Sometimes your site may not be working correctly and you may need to change it. Or maybe your insulin is bad (if you left it sitting outside the fridge for too long). Sometimes exercising may have something to do with it but if it was before and a while after then thats weird.

you are very right: tomorrow is another day :o)

there could be lots of reasons as to why you had some crazy numbers today. it could be the stress on your body of working out again, especially if there was any kind of pain involved.

there are millions of other reasons why, too. but i'm sure you know them all :o) you have a good attitude in remembering that you can start again tomorrow. try not to think about it too much. bad days happen to even the best of us! keep looking ahead :o)

[quote user="andie_fall4you"]Do you have an insulin pump?[/quote]

I don't have a pump yet, I will next Thurday though :o)

[quote user="C"]

you are very right: tomorrow is another day :o)

there could be lots of reasons as to why you had some crazy numbers today. it could be the stress on your body of working out again, especially if there was any kind of pain involved.

there are millions of other reasons why, too. but i'm sure you know them all :o) you have a good attitude in remembering that you can start again tomorrow. try not to think about it too much. bad days happen to even the best of us! keep looking ahead :o)



Thank you for this! Today was just one of those "I need a boost days." It's nice to know I'm not alone!

Oh, those are the worst - the highs that "stick".  That happens to me more often than I'd like to admit to!  It's true that the stress of exercise may have put you higher - that's happened to me, too.  Like you said, tomorrow's another day, and you get to start over.  :)

I think you were holding your tongue wrong or the wind was blowing the wrong way, just kidding. Just wanted to have a little fun!! Hope you smiled.

Nice! Congratulations! I hope it works out for you:)

This kind of stuff just happens.  It's not an exact science as the educators and doctors and literature make it out to be.  Just when I think I've got it figured out and will never see another high/low again, things go haywire.  Hang in.  Test.  Do what you're supposed to.  You'll get it back.  Just don't stress over it.  That will only make it worse.  YOu just gotta roll with it.  IMHO

sometimes if i run high in the morn it will effect me throughout the day (then again sometimes it doesnt lol)... maybe it is hormones... for me personally excercise effects my insulin sensativity but in the end i think most of us just have those bad days and things get wacky i dont think theres such thing as being perfect EVERYDAY thats whats so fun about D.. u never know when you bodys just gonna switch it up!.. like you and C said... tomorrows another day!

Or maybe just because the D wants to today

[quote user="Evamarie"]

sometimes if i run high in the morn it will effect me throughout the day (then again sometimes it doesnt lol)...


Same here!! Why does that happen??

[quote user="Keith221"]I think you were holding your tongue wrong or the wind was blowing the wrong way, just kidding. Just wanted to have a little fun!! Hope you smiled[/quote]


LOL! It's sooo true! Funny too!

All of your posts are really helpful! I know Diabetes has a mind of it's own sometimes :o/