Unexplained Nausea

10yo daughter dx’d in October, so in 5th month, has been having a ton of nausea after meals, especially but not exclusively in evenings. Also some burps that she says taste like barf (is that GERD?), and some diarrhea.

Negative for celiac at dx. Changed from Levemir to Tresiba, thinking she might be having allergic reaction to her evening basal dose. Our CDE says Gastroparesis is typically only in people who’ve had T1D much longer. Not only when happening when she’s high and she is always negative/trace Ketones when we check. I’m currently tracking the episodes against her food log to look for dietary connections.

Does anyone have any other thoughts on what it might be, and how to get her some relief?

Could your daughter have ketoacidosis? You didn’t describe treatment, so I don’t know if she’s using CGM or regular fingersticks. If you’re not sure, test for ketones in urine. Strips are not too expensive at places like Walmart.

I apologize, my web page didn’t display the lower part of your original post.

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@Gemstone hello,

in my opinion, if she had an allergic reaction to insulin it would have a local affect and it’d be easy to spot. I would look into a coincidental virus. Maybe indigestion but that could be a subset of either gerd or gastroparesis. I think you should just keep an eye on it for now. Anyway if a guess is worth anything. Good luck

Still dealing with this nausea issue. I had read that nausea and sore throat is a rare side effect of Levemir for some people. Our Endo has not seen this tho. And though Tresiba works much better for bg control for my daughter the nausea didn’t resolve with the switch.

I’m looking at food connections now. Have heard lots of people testing negative for celiac but still developing gluten intolerance. Have also read about sensitivities to sugar substitutes. We usually stay away from sugar-free foods but I’m double checking everything for hidden sugar alcohols.

Still searching…

Hi Gemstone!! I’m sorry your family is going thru this. I’ve had stomach issues my whole life and in my experience it sounds like it could be either GERD or gastroparesis.(GP) Just because she’s new to this disease doesn’t mean she couldn’t have GP. There are many reasons for GP & she could have some other reason like vagus nerve problems. And she could very likely have both, although I hope that wouldn’t be the case!

It’s a good idea to see if different foods cause different levels of nausea. And maybe a trial off of gluten could be the next step. Good luck and keep us posted!!

I would take her to a pediatric Gastroenterologist for testing. Maybe her regular pcp could prescribe compazine or Zofran she could take before dinner. I would call and ask.

If the nausea is with certain foods, you may want to peek at the Autoimmune Protocol Diet (AIP). It sounds like it may be independent of food choices if you believe the brand of insulin is at play. I was having a ton of joint and nerve-like pain with nausea, and the AIP diet, as difficult and cumbersome as it can be, greatly helped reduce those symptoms. Its theory makes sense, too…I initially learned of it via the Phoenix Helix website. Good luck.