Type 1 Diabetes Documentary Film

JDRF supporters!I didn't know how else to get the word out, but I am a recently diagnosed type 1 diabetic and I am putting together a documentary video focusing on life with type 1 diabetes. 
I'm asking all of you who know a diabetic, are a diabetic or just want to help out to post a short VIDEO RESPONSE to the question below. With your video responses, I will be able to complete the documentary and upload it to places like youtube and Juvenation and maybe even the JDRF website with their permission in order to spread awareness and educate the public about diabetes. I'm a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic, and I'm appalled at the lack of knowledge and awareness surrounding type 1 diabetes. 
Once again, I can only use VIDEO RESPONSES!!!
The questions is:
What is the first thing you think of when you hear the words "Type 1 Diabetes?"

Spread the word! The more people that give video responses, the more accurate and complete the documentary will be. We will be able to provide a better picture of what life with type 1 diabetes is really like and remove the stereotypes and misunderstandings. Awareness is key because it leads to further action!

Nick Camarda 

Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes: April 14, 2011

Keep up the good fight, Nick.  Let me know if I can help with anything else.  I know a project like this can take a tremendous amount of time and effort.  I'm sharing the link on my other networks in hopes that other people in the T1D community get inspired to create a video too.


thank you so much for your insight and your willingness to get the word out. This is perfect!

If you get more responses, feel free to send the videos my way. The video should be finished in a few weeks, and I'll try to get it up onto JDRF's and ADA's website. Any other high visibility places you have in mind?



There is always FaceBook.

Awesome.  No problem, Nick.  I'm happy to send you the file of the video in a private message if that will help.  Just let me know.  As far as other high visibility places, I shared your page on my Twitter account @ABellT1D (using hash tags #T1D #DOC #Diabetes & #Awareness) and Facebook page (feel free to add me both places if you have those accounts too).  If you're not a member of some of the other diabetes networks, I would encourage you to do that -  TuDiabetes, dLife, etcetara..  It makes me happy to see your generation stepping up and doing things like this.  Your courage to "put it out there" is inspiring.  Keep up the good work and more people will jump on board.  There's a big group of us working together to raise awareness.  And together, I think we'll beat this type 1 diabetes thing.


hey nick,

my name is jessica. i have been meaning to respond since you first posted but i got locked out of my account! i am so thrilled to see what you are doin as i am also trying to advocate! i was hoping maybe we could talk and bounce ideas off eachother or something. i was diagnosed with type 1 when i was 8 so im going on 18 years in may. if you go on my profile you can read a little about that. but i just made a diabetic page on twitter and one on facebook so if you have either you can join and spread the word. i want to help out with your video im trying to figure out how i can do that.

twitter: guti4t1hope

facebook: facebook.com/

personal facebook: facebook.com/angel51486  jessica marie gutierrez

my email: guti4t1hope@gmail.com

please contact me i would love to chat!! whether on here or any of the above

i totally agree with you andy. and i think if we ban together we can accomplish big things and educate!!