My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 three years ago. She is now having stomach problems. Her x-rays show that sh is retaining a small about of bowel. She has stomach pain, nauseau, and heartburn. It seems to be much worse at night. I haven't really got a straight answer from her doctor about what exactly is goig on. I'm supposed to give her castor oil once and then fiber pills daily. Is this gastroparesis symptoms?
What type of doctor is she seeing for this? You should consider taking her to a specialist, i.e. a gastrointerologist.
If she's had type 1 for only three years, it's probably not gastroparesis... unless her control has been very poor. You probably haven't received a straight answer from your doctor because he doesn't know exactly what's going on yet. Make sure you're using the right type of fiber to help with the problem (either to slow down or speed up the GI transit time depending on her problem). And, I agree with above... get her to a gastroenterologist. GI distress is one of the most painful, discomforting, and annoying things even for someone like me to deal with; I can't imagine how bad it would be for a young one.
I had some severe problems with my stomach and GI. I read the articles on Celiac's and I fit the signs and symptoms perfectly. However, when I was tested, I came out negative. The doctors just told me it was in my head, so I took into my own hands. I don't eat gluten and all my digestive problems have cleared up. Just try going a few days without gluten and see if that helps. My own experimentation has done a world of wonders for me.
Mad E,
By any chance did you have acid reflux too? I notice when my stomach is in chambles i get the worst indigestion and the foulest smelling burps. Like I can seriously kill someone with the smell kind lol eww TMI... Ok this was gross but i needed to see if anyone else gets these weird symptoms.
Gina, yes I do. It's miserable. Not only does it smell, but it's painful when the air is in the stomach, when you're trying to get it to come out, and even when it finally does come out. I hate it. The reflux gets really bad if I'm sitting for long amounts of time, I've noticed.
I think the enzymes are working, but I'm not sure sometimes. Maybe I need to try a higher dose or like was said above... go gluten free even though my tests were negative.
Did you get your celiac results back yet Gina?
Maldigestion also causes chronic bad breath, which is also miserable.
This is all interesting to read. My T1 son is 6 (diagnosed at 4.5). He had reflux as an infant and it has come back within the past 3 months. His pediatrician has put him on Prevacid and Zantac. He has been checked for Cyliac and he was negative. It does not seem to be affected or spurred on by what he eats. Anything and everything seems to bother him. And his gas at dinner is awful. My husband gets so frustrated with him because it is at the dinner table. I really don't think he means for it to be as bad as it gets. The reflux is worse in the morning and afternoon. Now that he is on Zantc it only seems to be bad in the AM. We have an appointment with a ped GI next week. Any thoughts on what you have researched and what my son is going thorugh? I really don't want it to be cyliac or gluten.
[quote user="rradams"]
Any thoughts on what you have researched and what my son is going thorugh?
Why don't your ask your little guy exactly what his GI discomfort feels like. Get a list of his symptoms and see if those of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (AKA pancreatic enzyme deficiency) match. Here is what you should notice if he has what I described:
-General abdominal pain, not in a specific area usually... sometimes all throughout the area around the belly button
-Gas, both trapped gas pains and lots of flatulence
-Frequent bowel movements, sometimes about 5 times a day or more
-Pale stools/diarrhea that are bulky (a lot of volume to them) and smelly
-Little bubbles floating in the toilet - these are tiny fat molecules indicating fat malabsorption
-Gastric reflux, lots of burping, etc. from maldigestion
This would also cause your little guy to be low on the growth charts. However, chronic high blood sugars also causes someone to be in a lower percentile on the growth charts too.
Talk to your doctor about pancreatic enzyme insufficiency if his symptoms match. A lot of doctors, even Gastros, aren't aware of how common pancreatic insufficiency is in diabetics.
:) MadEvans
I usualy get a stomach ach when i am nervous, beeing low gives me that nervous sensation. I notice that when im low, my stomach hurts. idky. also when im high for long periods of time, i feel like barfing, or course cuz of dka.
Mad evans,
I have changed my diet and it seems my stomach problem went away. I have been eating more veggies and milk products i wonder if that has anything to do with it?
[quote user="Gina"]
Mad evans,
I have changed my diet and it seems my stomach problem went away. I have been eating more veggies and milk products i wonder if that has anything to do with it?
[/quote]Wow, awesome! I have a friend that had stomach problems and started eating nearly gluten free, or at least less heavy on the carbs, and it helped her out a lot. She didn't have a Celiac diagnosis either. I may give it a try.
What was it that you cut out of your diet, mostly carbs?
I know you wrote this four years ago but I just found it and I have had all of those symptoms for over ten years. I just started taking creon (found it myself) after seeing way 2 many docs who never found anything. I think it is helping but hasn't eliminated this. I was wondering how u r doing?