Twilight crazy?

i love Robert Pattinson (a.k.a. Edward Cullen).He is soooooooooo HOT me and my best friends are completeily obssessed with Twilight.The book was awesome and so was the movie.I cant wait for New Moon 2 come out.

what dont you get about the abusive thing!!!! or the sexism!!! are the people who are hel[ong set feminism back several decades...thats almost as bad as bella....she puts feminism back at least a hundred......-_-"

that amazing looking word up there (hel[ong) is supposed to say helping.......^_^ oops

I love twilight. I am a twerd! (twilight nerd)! I love the books and the movie is ok. As soon as i got the movie I watched it like all day!! I have all the posters for twilight! I am team Edward all the way!

Team Tyler's van FTW!!

i am OBSSESSED i loved it i actually read the third one in like 2 hrs.  haha  the host was really good to   =D

omg im sooooo twilight crazy!!! ive read all the books twice and now im on my third time around!!! (im on new moon :P) i bought the movie the day it came out (even tho i was in florida!!)!! TEAM EDWARD!!! i think taylor lautner (the guy who plays jacob) is totally hot tho!!!

Alright. Here it goes. For the longest time my sisters and a dear friend of mine talked of nothing but Twilight to the point where I did not know if I wanted to even see this movie. I saw it about 3 or 4 weeks ago and enjoyed it very much, however does anyone else here see a major parallel between Twilight and the television show Roswell/Roswell High Books? I know, I know, both forbidden romances, supernatural forces, but I see way more similarities than that.  Does anyone here even remember Roswell or the books Roswell High? Or am I just completely an old person now who says things like "In my day" (you do not have to answer the last question it was rhetorical lol)?

Ugh. Don't even get me started. I have not read twilight, and no one will convince me to do so. I do not like fantasy to begin with, and I think it is completely overrated. I know what it's about, because my sister likes the books, so I know I'm not missing out on anything. Also, my sister says that, although she thinks they're good books, they are poorly written. And I'm sure that she's pretty accurate with that statement, considering she's a creative writing major and is writing her own novel. That would make me hate them even more, because I'm a writer, also (journalistic, not creative), and I hate bad writing.

As for the movies go, I don't plan on watching them, either.

I can't wait till New Moon comes out! November 20! The books are better though.

I was totally against Twilight when it first came out. But now that its kinda settled down I read the books, watched the movie and absolutely love it! I guess I just couldn't do it while everyone was overly obsessed. But now I'm obsessed! Edward is my dream! And Jacob is attractive! Can't wait for New Moon either! Oh baby!

[quote user="Miyuu"]

Edward is not an awesome hottie. He is SICK and ABUSIVE. Twilight lacks a plot. Twilight is EXTREMELY sexist and misogynistic. Twilight lacks character development. Bella and Edward are in lust, not love. The list does in fact go on. 

thank you kindly.


Ok to me Edward is not abusive. What does he do to hurt Bella other than leave her? I don't see how it's sexist and misogynistic either. But I guess people have their own opinion.

[quote user="Brittany "]

[quote user="Miyuu"]

Edward is not an awesome hottie. He is SICK and ABUSIVE. Twilight lacks a plot. Twilight is EXTREMELY sexist and misogynistic. Twilight lacks character development. Bella and Edward are in lust, not love. The list does in fact go on. 

thank you kindly.


Ok to me Edward is not abusive. What does he do to hurt Bella other than leave her? I don't see how it's sexist and misogynistic either. But I guess people have their own opinion.


Ok, im saying now: these are not my words! This is an exert from Arzim's Rebuttals. But I do wholeheartedly agree with him! GO ARZIM!!!

What is abuse?

Obviously Edward is not abusive physically to Bella, but that doesn’t mean that he’s not still abusive. That is, he is emotionally and mentally abusive. And the fact that he’s a vampire has nothing to do with it; Meyer is portraying a relationship between two people, and given the fact that Edward has a very human psyche (i.e. he experiences human emotions (anger, ‘love’, worry), human desires (sex), and was once in fact human) it is not a reasonable argument to simply excuse his bad behavior by simply arguing, “he’s a vampire, so it doesn’t count.”

So: abuse. What is it?


Wikipedia says:

"An abusive relationship is an interpersonal relationship characterized by the use or threat of physical or psychological abuse. Abusive relationships are often characterized by jealousy, emotional withholding, lack of intimacy, infidelity, sexual coercion, verbal abuse, broken promises, physical violence, control games and power plays.'"


Let’s break this definition down in terms of Edward and Bella.

Jealousy – If anything, Edward’s defining characteristic is in fact his jealousy. It is his jealousy (more than anything else) that instigates his abusive acts. He admits after the engine episode that the main reason for not wanting Bella to see Jacob was in fact his prejudice and jealousy, and that’s hardly the only instance of his jealousy.

Emotional withholding – The fact that Edward and Bella are supposed to share this incredible, transcendent relationship is undermined by the fact that rather than discuss his fears and uncertainties, Edward chooses to leave Bella at the beginning of New Moon. While it’s not a crime to end a relationship, the fact that Edward chose to do so in such a cruel and unusual manner instead of explaining his feelings and emotions on the subject is pretty abusive.

Lack of intimacy – The intimacy issue is a trickier when it comes to Edward and Bella. First, in terms of physical intimacy: the fact that Edward controls every single chaste little kiss AND withholds sex is incredibly controlling. That he does so supposedly to protect her is negated by the fact that he’s more than willing to sex her up once they’re married, even though she’s still a puny, fragile human (and she does get hurt). Their lack of emotional intimacy (again, with the above point about emotional withholding) is just as damaging (as referenced by Bella’s zombiefied state in New Moon.

Sexual coercion – Again, Edward controls every aspect of their sexual lives, against Bella’s will and in fact he demeans and treats her like a child when she attempts to sex him.

Broken promises – at the end of Twilight, Edward promises to stay with Bella no matter what. Yet at the beginning of New Moon, he massively overreacts to the supposed threat of danger and decides to break that promise, rendering Bella suicidal. Maybe this isn’t traditionally abusive, but it’s unnecessarily damaging.

Control games and power plays – All the above points serve the idea that Edward’s prevailing character (served by his jealousy) is controlling. And I don’t care how ‘powerful’ and ‘omniscient’ and ‘old and wise’ Edward is, when you’re in a romantic relationship with someone one partner cannot be completely dominating and the other submissive (unless it’s a BDSM relationship, but that’s another subject entirely). It simply isn’t healthy, particularly when it’s supposed to be this ‘great love of all the ages’ and representative of an equal partnership.



Let me just say this once to make it clear: intentions (good or bad) do not matter. It’s an instance of the classic phrase acta non verba, or “actions, not words.” It doesn’t matter if I tell you “I love you so much!” if I immediately follow that statement by trying to kill you. It doesn’t matter if I honestly DO love you and I STILL try to kill you; the action of attempted homicide still stands (and I’ll be charged with that) regardless of how I feel about it. If I kill someone and then say “I made a mistake” or “I loved him/her”, the fact that I feel bad about it in retrospect does not change the irreversible fact that I did, in fact, kill someone.

So if Edward removes the engine from Bella’s truck and then replaces it later, the fact that he replaces it later is irrelevant to the issue at hand; the fact that he performed the abusive act in the first place. I don’t care if he felt bad about it or changed his mind; he still performed the act to begin with.

If Edward only does anything “in order to protect Bella”, it’s again an instance of the irrelevance of intentions. Simply put, he doesn’t have the right to upend another person’s life or to attempt to control what that person does, even if he cares about them. It is not my roommate’s place to lock me in our room to prevent me from going out and getting trashed, even if she thinks she’s doing it to “protect me” or “because she cares about me.” Likewise, it isn’t Edward’s right to decide who Bella sees, when she sees him, where she sees him, and for how long. Just because he decided NOT to kidnap Bella for the weekend a second time doesn’t make the fact that he kidnapped her for a weekend for the first time moot.

Basically, intentions don’t matter. Actions matter. Even if Edward changes his mind or feels bad about it, that doesn’t erase the fact that he performed the act in the first place. If he feels bad about it, it doesn’t mean that his character isn’t an abusive one; you don’t judge a character based on the person he is by the end of the novel (or series); rather, you judge them (and form an understanding of them) by incorporating EVERYTHING you learn about them throughout the series. So while Edward DOES change and DOES make different decisions, his good decisions don’t negate the bad ones. He performs an abusive act = he is abusive, even if he feels bad about it. Capisce?

If anyone would like to read the rest of arzim's rebuttals heres a site!

sorry for the immensely long post, folks!

Sounds like Edward exhibits symptoms of a sociopath.

i know this is weird since i'm a boy but I LOVE Twilight it is the best movie in the world

Well Obviously I have Edward all wrong then. Oops. Umm what if you have a "guy friend" that acts like him???? Uh-oh I think I might be in trouble. lol. jk. He's just a friend!

I So Am!! I've Read All The Books And Seen All of the Movies :)

Well I guess all guys have a bit of abusiveness in them there is not one guy I've ever met that doesnt have one or more of those qualities but really twilight is an amazing book usually most books I read show much more male dominance then that and honestly I believe that they are in love I wish a guy would care enough about me to wait for the right time to have sex with me and also edward is just old fashioned and as a woman if you had sex with someone before you were married that would mean you were compromised and if the man who you had sex with didnt want you then you most likely wouldnt get married and also even in the early 1900's girls were sold to men by their fathers and if they were not pure then the man would send the girl back and demand their money back So I completely understand were edward was coming from honestly I would want my husband to be like him

I never really got into the book. I liked the first movie, though.