I always specifically tell people to talk to the pharmaceuticals when you have insurance questions.
They want to sell you medicine, very expensive medicine that most of us cant afford out of pocket, which they also make a lot of money off of. They deal with insurance companies thousands of times a day. So keeping you on insurance, or more specifically, keeping your out of pocket cost as low as possible, is in their best interest as it keeps you coming back.
In your case, they can at least be of help with reduced cost or free prescriptions.
You also probably want to brush up on what deductibles, copays, yearly-out-of-pocket-max, and monthly premiums mean. Your not a normal person, you’re probably going to cost an insurance company more than you put in. So weird things can happen. You’re probably going to want an insurance with a fixed tier copay and a low deductible, you pay a specific dollar amount for a service instead of a percentage. Or, being a diabetic, you could also bank on a high deductible, high copay, but low out of pocket max insurance. So once you’ve spent a few thousand and hit the out of pocket max, everything is free for the year, excellent if you plan on buying a pump that year. Insurance will make the doctor visits, possible hospital visits or whatever else life throws at you manageable, once deductible is met, unlike no insurance.
Check out the COBRA. Normally the employer pays a large chunk of the insurance premium and the employee pays the rest, and with COBRA you will have to pay both of those yourself. But, I think you will have to only pay for a single person without dependents, which is cheaper than what your parents pay for a family.
If you could qualify, Medicaid would be the way to go. A good tax preparer can write off a lot more than you’d think to get you below that $17k if you’re anywhere close.
The NY Health Care Marketplace should have much cheaper options than if you went looking for insurance on your own.
And I know for sure Lilly has badass assistance for people with no insurance.