
So our family is going on a trip this weekend and we're flying. My brother is a diabetic, is there any proof that we need to bring to get him on the plane besides his blood glucose meter and his insulin pump?

To be comepletely honest, you should be fine with the meter and pump. I take it you will be travelling with all his pump supplies, i.e. insulin and stuff as well? I would suggest if you have an unopened box with the insulin in it you take that with you more so if it has the prescription number on it, since it is still sealed. On my last travel experience, two weeeks ago I got to the security cheack point put my bag with my tester, supplies, extra insulin, and stuff through the x-ray machine, walked up to the security checkpoint walked through and continued on. I did not take out my pump, take off my pump, or even show off my pump. Nor did it set off the alarm. You should be fine. I mean a travel letter is nice if you can get it from the endo, but it does not always work either.

I'm not sure how strict it is over where you live (I assumed very strict) but in Australia, if your carrying any sharps (syringes, pump inserters, pens) then you need a letter from your doctor, you may also need a script for your medicine due to the 100ml rule. Best to get letters for everything. Having said that, I've been rushed before and accidentally got onto a plane with a lot of syringes and not one person even realising! Scary thought.

i hardly travel, but i did go through a security check and i was so scared the metal detecter would go off on my pump (new pumper, after 19 years of MDI). but thankfully it didn't. :D

I travel quite a bit, especially overseas to Europe, and there are a few things we all need to consider when flying.

First, read this page from the TSA, and print out and carry the memo it references. It spells out your rights in the U.S.

I have never had to declare any sharps here or in Europe, they just go through x-ray without question.

Insulin can be declared separately as a liquid, or put in the liquids bag.

No one ever questions my meter or supplies, and my pump (the Omnipod) does not set of the metal detector, so I never even mention it. I have unopened units to show if ever questioned.

I always carry 12 oz boxes of OJ (3-4) and simply put them through x-ray separately. When they tell me I can't take them, I tell them they are medically necessary, and sometimes I need to say why. If the agent does not know the rule (which is rare) I ask for a supervisor. If they ask for proof that I am diabetic, I show them the prescription info on my Insulin.

I have only once been asked for a letter from my doctor stating that I need the OJ, and that was in Germany. I don't' cary one, but I may in the future. I argued  that the the U.S. permitted it and they finally gave up in disgust and let me take it.

As a diabetic you have rights (at least in the U.S. and E.U.) and you may on occasion have to demand them, but for me it has been rare.

Take prescription info (labels) and a letter stating you are diabetic and must carry (state anything you feel you require) from your doctor if you have time to get one.

Besides the U.S. site above, check on rules of the couttries you are visiting or travelling through, especially if they are outside E.U. just to be sure.

The bigest worry i have about travelling is not the flying, which has been quite easy, but how I will cope if I have a problem with my supplies (break my insulin vial, etc.) I always take plenty of backup, even extra OJ in my checked bag, just in case.



Thank you all so much!!!