Travel overseas but how?

We will be flying from US to Prague, and return from Berlin. Any thoughts?

Be prepared unless you can speak the local dialects. The worst they will make you do is put your stuff through the x-ray. It’s not the end of the world. I suggest you tell or show them (so they don’t discover your equipment) and have copies of your scripts in case they need to see it. Don’t forget to have a great trip

Thanks. Been both to Germany and Czech Republic before, but first time as a diabetic with a CGM.

One thing I didn’t see mentioned (or maybe I missed it!). Along with extra supplies and looking up locations of medical/consulate facilities, I also take notes in the language of the country I am visiting (post-its or postcard or whatever type of paper you prefer) which say, “I am a diabetic,.” “I need sugar,” “Where is the nearest Pharmacy?” “Where is the nearest Hospital?” etc, just in case I am dropping and can’t communicate clearly. I’ve never had to use them, but knowing I have them helps put my mind at ease!
