
so i have had diabetes for about 7 years, and to be honest its been a struggle. i know exactly what i have to do and how to do it, but for some reason i NEVER want to test my sugar!! and that is the most vital part of taking care of yourself. does anyone have any ways that worked for them? my recent a1c was 10.5 and i really need to get that under control.

any advice or ideas would help.

first, welcome to juvenation :o) when it comes to support and asking for advice, you picked the best place on the internet to come to. we're very glad to have you here :o)

i think i've heard nearly everyone say the same things you're saying. i also find testing to be the worst part of diabetes. it's just a pain in the butt (and fingers). when i finally started testing again, there really wasn't anything magical about it. it wasn't even that long ago - just a few months ago. i can pretty honestly say it was because i got to know some people here on juvenation who take pretty stellar care of themselves, and i decided i wanted to be like them. having better BG control makes me feel better, both physically and emotionally. i still struggle with it and i still whine about poking my fingers, but i'm much better off now than i was a few months ago.

sometimes, we just have to acknowledge how much we despise something. once we tell ourselves it's okay to be frustrated or annoyed or angry or whatever it is you're feeling, it's a lot easier to move past it and start working on improving it.

good luck :o) we're here to help you when you need it and even when you don't :D

I have had type one for almost 15 years at this point in my life. I can honestly tell you testing was one of my least favorite things. Once I was out of High School, I think I went about 6 or so years without really testing. My numbers were "great" or at least my a1c was, because I did the same things over and over again. So I felt I was completely in control.

However, sometimes it takes a wake up call to convince you that testing is necessary. I had that wake up call and it really changed my life. With the routine I had, there were times when I would just drop low and not even know it, I was so completely hypo unaware. It was not good. One day I was driving somewhere with a classmate of mine when my sugar dropped. I still only have brief flashes of what happened that day. I know I hit a concrete street sign, I know I kept driving, I know I beat the snot out of my car. I don't know anything else. My classmate has only told me small bits and pieces of what went on. I remember being aware of a police officer yelling at me thinking I was drunk. Being able to tell him I was a diabetic. Otherwise I have nothing to show in my memories of what actually happened that day. That freaked me out. So I started to be very proactive about things and how I took care of myself. I can honestly tell you since that day three years ago or will be four years soon my life has turned around. I got better at testing and paying attention to my body. I had a friend who was very open about her type one, so it was great to have someone to talk to. To find out information, such as about the pump and everything.

The need to test is a pain in the butt. However, the five seconds it takes to test is well worth it. Compared to some of the complications we might run into. Mine is only one of the stories I have heard over the years. And truly five seconds is not so bad, I remember when meters took over a minute. Tom remembers a day when there was no such thing as a meter. Bringing the test kit with us is a pain. Thankfully you have a purse. I have cargo pants or my Nike Sport sack (man purse). The reality is in the end things are better off when we test.

Good luck and welcome. I hope this helps somewhat and if you need anything feel free to ask.

Even after having diabetes for 17 years, I totally understand the annoyance of testing. It's such a simple thing, but it seems like the most inconvenient thing to have to do when you're rushing around all day and whatnot. It's hard to maintain good control when it seems like a chore. And it's hard when you're on your own without parents to constantly remind you to do it.  But it's something that you just have to do. For me, I try to make it more convenient to test by having my meter with me everywhere. Almost like I can't get away from it. That way I can't say "I would test, but my meter is so far away from me." Also, and this might sound really weird, I use the alarm on my cellphone. I'm constantly rushing around during the day, so sometimes I lose track of time. If I know I have to test at a certain time (i.e. I was high in the morning and wanted to keep track of it), I'll set an alarm on my phone to remind me. Or I'll even write out a schedule of when I want to test during the day and keep an eye on it. Being on an insulin pump, I can program alarms for missed boluses, too. Also, if/when I get tired of sticking my fingertips, I will sample from my upper arm. I know there are pro/cons to this in terms of accuracy, so I'll do it when I feel as though my levels are ok.

What it all comes down to is figuring out what will get you testing more often. I was in the same slump as you for a while. But it got to the point where I was constantly feeling run down and sick because my levels were unknowingly all over the place. It's difficult to do, but you have to look at things in the long run. The little things you can do in the moment to keep good control, the better quality of life you can have.

You can do it!!

I figured out which fingers on my left hand work best (I don't test my right hand since I'm right handed and have more nerves over there).

I stashed testers and testing strips everywhere I go - my car, my gym bag, work, home, and my folks' house.

If you don't want to lose your drivers license due to an accident or die, you will start testing. That's all there is to it. Once you get in a routine and start learning to plan, you will find it much easier.

Also - change your lancets regularly (they say each time but pfft, who does that.) I find that a fresh lancet means it doesn't hurt nearly as much. I just put fresh ones in the pouch / zippered pocket of my tester and switch them daily.

My diabetes control improved so much when I bought my first meter. Before I had a pump and CGM, I was testing 12-15 times per day. I keep charts and study them so I can make appropriate changes in order to improve my control even more. After using a CGM I reduced my testing to about 6 times per day.

I cannot understand why a type 1 would not do testing, on a regular basis. My control would be very bad if I did that. I keep my A1c's below 6.0 and I have no diabetes related complications. If I stopped testing and my A1c's increased a lot, I think I might eventually have some problems with my eyes, kidneys and feet. I would do NOTHING that might cause that to happen.

[quote user="Richard Vaughn"]

I cannot understand why a type 1 would not do testing, on a regular basis. 


I'd like to present a different viewpoint. 

I've been one of "those" people before.  While I'm very diligent about my care now, I haven't always been.  College years were hard for me.  I struggled with a lot of depression at the time, and of course diabetes was a major catalyst to those feelings.  Testing was about the last thing I wanted to do, so it just didn't happen. 

The physical act of testing my blood sugar reminded me of this whole swirl of diabetes problems, frustrations, and fears that I just didn't want to deal with anymore.  I knew I had to take insulin - I'd die without it - but somehow, testing seemed "optional" at the time.  I can remember A1C's in the 12's.  I can remember an endocrinologist nearly yelling at me:  "Are you trying to KILL YOURSELF?"  Well, maybe I was, subconsiously.  (Part of my depression was also found to be the result of undiagnosed hypothyroidism - but I digress.)

The years of D were wearing on me.  I was just tired.  Tired of all of the things I had to do, and tired of the fact that no one else who was "normal" had to do them.  It was a stage of rebellion, I suppose.  I'm supremely lucky that I do not have any serious complications to show for it, and I think about that fact every day.

I've really come to a place of acceptance with diabetes lately (last several years); even moreso now that I've found the DOC.  I "get it" now, and testing often is a priority for me.  It helps that I have good health insurance that covers most of the cost of my strips.  I test 10 - 15 times a day, sometimes more, and that wouldn't be possible if I had to pay for strips out of pocket.  Using a CGM also helps to keep me "tuned in" to what's going on with my body - it's hard to ignore those loud alarms.  Plus, I find the information kind of fascinating now.

I think there are a lot of reasons diabetics don't test - not even necessarily what I've named here.  We all know what we're "supposed" to do.  But, complications are usually a long and slow road - and when they seem far away, it can be hard to find the motivation to wear your seat belt.


thank you, kim. i agree with you wholeheartedly.

as most of us know, lectures just don't work when someone is struggling to do something. in fact, it usually accomplishes the opposite and makes someone want to push farther away.

instead of threatening this person with death and stories of "i just don't understand why..." (which only makes them feel WORSE), let's try to encourage her. we are an experienced community here, so let's try to help her - not scare her.

as with kim, i had a good 7-8 years (funnily enough, my college years), where i felt testing was optional too. it was an annoyance, so i just didn't do it. i already had d-related complications, but that still didn't stop me from ignoring my diabetes. others helping me change and encouraging me is what helped me through. let's try to do the same for her :o)

The previous posts were great about why testing can be tough, so I won't try to repeat. But you're not alone!!

I try to set up routines when I automatically test. It becomes automatic, so I don't even realize I'm pulling out my meter. (Before driving, before exercising...)

Hang in there! For me, when I ran high, I tried to ignore it and it got worse. But once I saw some better numbers, thanks to a new endo I saw in high school, I finally felt hopeful and a1c's improved from there. For me personally, having small bits of "good news" made me think things could get even better...

see this is very helpful, but its that motive im missing. i am 18 years old and its such a pain to have to do it. like i want to be able to have fun and do the things my friends do without having a distraction...

[quote user="Victoria Hull"]

see this is very helpful, but its that motive im missing. i am 18 years old and its such a pain to have to do it. like i want to be able to have fun and do the things my friends do without having a distraction...


I completely understand where you're coming from.  I go through periods of not wanting to test (kinda in one now), but one of the things that helps me is coming on Juvenation and reading about what great control some people here have.  It also helps to commiserate with those who are in the same boat as me...makes me feel like less of a loser. ;)

Think about it like this...when your blood sugars are out of control and you go a couple days not testing very often, and then finally testing and correcting, you don't feel as good as you could, whether you consciously know it or not.  Having a few good days of control reminds me of this.  If you test more often, you'll feel better, and then if you continue to test more often, you can ride that wave of feeling healthy for a while, instead of dealing with the crappy tired feelings that come with having highs for days. 

Being a T1 teenager can suck, and you DO have to deal with things your friends will never have to, so it's okay to feel that way...but remember, keeping your blood sugars in control will ALLOW you to do the things your friends do.  I camp at the beach and music festivals all summer, go to concerts, volunteer, and ride with a bicycle gang.  I have to bring tons of supplies, make sure I'm hydrated, worry about my pumpsites falling out, bring extra snacks, etc. etc...but doing all of those annoying things allows me to camp at a music festival for a week without having to leave because my blood sugar is high and won't come down, or I went into DKA or something.  The way I look at it is, I can say screw it and pretend I don't have T1 and risk missing out on some awesome times, or just deal with it and do what I have to do to make sure that T1 isn't gonna stop me from having as much fun as possible.

Welcome to the site, btw.  :)


[quote user="Victoria Hull"]

see this is very helpful, but its that motive im missing. i am 18 years old and its such a pain to have to do it. like i want to be able to have fun and do the things my friends do without having a distraction...


I think motivation differs for every person, so I may not have the answers for you. But these are my suggestions after having T1 since 1982...

1. what if you forced yourself to test more for just one weekend (or whatever couple of days) even if you don't feel motivated. Was it as annoying as you thought or not as bad? It may still be annoying, but could you meet this small goal anyways?

2. is there any underlying reason for not feeling motivated. I think a lot of us, including myself, can feel stressed that we'll have a "bad" number. Do you beat yourself up about it? I try to tell myself "Now I just have some information about what I have to fix" when I get a high or low number, b/c I definitely start beating myself up about it.

3. You're 18 now, but are there any long term goals that would help you get motivated. In my 20's, I wanted to be healthy enough to travel to different countries w/o worrying about going into dka in a country where I didn't know the language. Later, I wanted to be healthy enough to get pregnant and then live to be a healthy mom for my son. Maybe you want to finish college or have a certain career.

4. Are you depressed? It's really common for people with T1. A lot of us, including myself, have gone through it. Living with this disease can really wear you down! When I feel depressed, I have no motivation to do anything. You could ask your doctor for help if you think this is the case...

Hang in there! I think a lot of us increased our control as we moved into adulthood, but it doesn;t mean you can't make some small changes now...

This is kind of silly, but I just got a bunch of cool colored meters I liked.  Somehow having a little variety helped. 

Don't know if you struggle with the pressure to have a perfect result, but my life vastly improved when I stopped feeling bad over a high or low test.  A low just means I need some glucose tablets and a high means I need to take a few extra units of insulin. 

Testing helps you avoid really bad highs and lows.  That way you can live your life and have the energy to do whatever you want to.

I know exactly how you feel and just over the summer i just started to check my sugars and it has made all the difference and now my A1C is an 8.5 as of today!!!!

great improvements, kristie :o) way to go!

My name is Liam and i am a 16 year old boy. I have diabetes for just about 9 years  now. I have had 12 hypo's all of them being my fault. I have been lying about my blood-sugars since day one, and my parents catch me every three months when we go to the doctors. Last time i was caught i hadnt done my blood sugars for over 6 days and had lied to my parents everyday about my numbers. This was during the summer, i told them that i would never to it again and then only a month later i had another hypo whilest i was playing basketball. I hadn't done my blood sugars before we played a 2 hour game, my mom told me to do it and i told her i had when really i had not.  Just last night my parents found out that i had been lying and not done my blood sugars even thought i had told them i had. I cant stop myself from lying and all i can do is lie to them. They are great parents and give me absolutely everything it is strange for a 10 year old boy to have a pump and i am a super soccer and basketball player. If anyone has a story or a post please send me an email at liam.stenson16@gmail.com or post here.

