Starting to give up

Diabetes is hard to deal with. Its stressful and I wish it would go away. I just want to give up and not worry about it. Life would be much simpler.

im right there with you but my family thinks that I don’t. but I do even though that I just got it. a month ago. I know what you mean.


Diabetes is hard but, you got this. I’ve felt like you so many times, as I am sure many people in these message boards have as well. You have to take one day at time and do the best you can today, because tomorrow is another day. There is no reason for you to give up, try your best because you are worth it!

I was diagnosed when I was 14. Couldn’t have been any more inconvenient time in my life.

I had to deal with it all. Friends, school, sports.

Crazy thing is it actually made me so strong.

I have friends that complain about what I call trivial things. I enjoy helping people who need a boost.

There are a lot of exciting avenues you should look at.

One is find friends who have T1. They get it.

I can help you with this.


We’ve all been there before. It’s a feeling that is difficult to escape and we all get that. But don’t give up!

We’re all here for you. We’re all in this together. It’s unfortunate that we have to think about it so often, but it’s only going to make you a stronger, better person. That I can promise you.

Don’t look at the big picture. As @Gina said, take it one day at a time.

It looks like a bright future ahead for diabetics with so many advancements, but don’t let that distract you with what’s the reality now.

Let’s fight this battle together!

You’re stronger than you think.

If you need help or just need to chat, send me a message!


Hope you don’t mind an old guy chiming in.

Your post tugs at my heart as the parent of a child who grew up with Type I. My son Michael was diagnosed at 4 and is now 25. He went through some tough times and expressed similar frustrations as you are now. Having diabetes is not easy and I know it gets everyone down sometimes. Thank you for sharing.

Please do not hesitate to ask for help or someone to talk to when these feelings arise. There are millions of people out there who are able to relate and offer a shoulder to lean on.

Most importantly don’t give up during this exciting time with so many advances coming in the way of research and new discoveries! I have seen so many things since my son was diagnosed that have made dealing with diabetes easier and less intrusive and things that were a dream back then are common practice today. Your burden will become easier I guarantee.

I pray every day for you and all people with Type I and for the big day that we all know will be here eventually when diabetes is wiped out – which will certainly happen within your lifetime! Hang in there.

You’ve gotten 6 great responses to your post, we all sort of know how you feel, but it’s definitely okay to vent and express your feelings. All of our lives are filled with challenges and adversities; how you decide to handle these challenges, all challenges, will ultimately define who you are. Life is complex and everyone is stressed from time to time, but you can choose to take simple approaches and do whatever it takes to keep moving forward and being happy.
And, even though you have to take extra steps each day to control your diabetes, it cannot stop you from enjoying the most important things in your life.

thanks guys and same back to you. :slight_smile:

I also feel the same way. Sometimes I wish diabetes was a hoax, never the less I’m stuck with it and I will just have to deal with it. I’m just waiting till people find a cure. Keep your hopes up!!! :slight_smile: