[quote user="dorit tovi"]
Hello, I am a mother to a seven year old and looking into getting him the pump now, what do you suggest.
I have sen many endocrinologists in my area since my diagnosis....... I was with one Dr. who was making me jump through hoops to get on the pump, finally after attending the Young Voices event in NYC, I decided to seek out another Dr. I asked my primary care physician to write a script for the pump and let him know that I had an upcoming appointment with a new endocrinologist........
While waiting for my appointment, I began to research different pumps and decided that it was a cross between the Minimed paradigm pump with the CGMS or the Omnipod....... I called Omnipod and spoke with a sales rep who sent me a demo pod....... I also had an older pump from Mimimed that I never used, so I called and set up a training with a pump educator and she trained me on the older pump, using saline...... I found that using te pump was a lot less difficult and less instrusive as i thought......
( In researching pumps, I found that a lot of poeple who use the Omnipod find that it does not stay on your body for the whole 3 days.... This concerend me, as if the Omnipod did not work as well as other pumps, I would be stuck with it for at least 2 years, as my insurance would not cover another pump, unless it was medcially necessary and then my claim would be reviewed by the insurance company and there was no guarantee that I would receive another pump........ Plus the demo also came off in a few hours!)
Basically, You need a prescription from your doctor stating what pump you want and with all supplies and a letter of medical necessity completed by the doctor..... The pump company will help you with the letter, as it is a standard form that just needs t be signed, the pump company will send it to the doctor..... I also called my insurance company to verify my coverage and find out what pumps were covered and what their policy was before I could receive an upgrade......
I found that Minimed was great with me..... My insurance rep from Minimed keep in constant contact with me, to let me know where we were in the process and the trainer has made herself avaialble to me for any and all questions that I have, no matter what time, evenings or weekends........
I've had diabetes for close to 16 years, being diagnosed 3 days before my 11th birthday...... when I was presented with the idea of an insulin pump, I was dead against it, for many MANY years....... The only thing I can say is that your child has to want to try the pump, as it will be your child who will be wearing it, not you ..... My mother continued to press me about the pump when I was growing up and I kept telling her (as well as my doctors) that for me to be successful with it, I have to WANT to be on it.........