My daughter will be starting college in the Fall. In her paperwork is a sheet on Disability-would this be a good idea to sign for any help they may offer.Won't that help with things such as missed test b/c of d ? Has anyone done this and has it helped during the college years ? Thank you :)
YES! I receive test proctoring so I don't have to worry about testing conditions. I'm always by myself; I can eat, drink, use the bathroom as I please. If something severe happens, they help me get it sorted out with the professor. it's a win-win situation. If you're registered and you don't have to use it, great. It's still nice to know it's there.
i agree with sonja! it's always a good idea to be registered, even if your daughter doesn't need to use it. i only ended up using it once in 8 years of college, but i was glad i had it when i needed it.
PS. glad to see you back here, meme! i haven't seen you around in awhile :o)
Congratulations to your daughter! Where's she heading in the fall?
Oh shoot! I wish I would have said I need it just in case. Is there anyway I can change for next semester or something? I don't know if it is too late to have it this semester
[quote user="Abigail"]
Oh shoot! I wish I would have said I need it just in case. Is there anyway I can change for next semester or something? I don't know if it is too late to have it this semester
Email your disability services center and ask. You should be able to register at any time.
I just graduated from college and I was registered for disability services the whole time I was there. I didn't end up using their services much, but I think it's still a good idea. At the very least it makes them aware of your diabetes and they notified my professors, as well. I also got first dibs on talking to the nutritionist when she came to campus as well as a special meal plan that helped me out.
Thanks C ,that is sweet and means alot to me.And I may not be signed in but I do come by the site.Juvenation is one Special Place :) and Sarah,thanks-let's just say she is not going tooo far away but away to college...I feel the empty nest thing coming.Must be some truth to that,hahaha :) Lov all of you :) Thanks everyone :)