Special Diabetes Program

Hey everyone - I noticed we don't have a lot of conversation going on in this group, so I thought I'd start one.

Is everyone aware of the SDP vote going on this week?  We aren't sure what day the vote will be on yet, but I hope you'll all make a call to your local representative of Congress to urge them to vote to continue the program.  SDP makes up about 35% of all diabetes research funding in the US each year.  It's scheduled right now to expire in September of 2011, and losing that funding will dampen progress in things like the Artificial Pancreas clinical trials.  I don't know about you guys, but I want that thing getting to market as soon as possible.  Like, yesterday.

If you aren't already signed up as a JDRF Advocate, go here to sign up.  We should all be getting an email this week with an 800 number to call on this one.