Yes. Syringes and the dangerous math of converting humalog ratios to incorporating long acting. Oy vey been amany a moon but can be done thank you!
I wish you best of luck!
I try and stay under 120 carbs per day, though I do occasionally sin with pancakes or French toast on a Saturday. 25 carbs each pancake (2), 53 carbs for 1/4 cup real maple syrup.
I hear that! My sin carbs are for a white mocha from Starbucks, whenever I’m lucky enough that someone “gifts” it lol. 62 carbs
I completely understand your frustration. I’ve had T1D since age 10 (42yrs) and done shots and the pump off and on for a since 2002. I recently went back onto the pump ( 670G ) because I got tired of doing 6-8 shots a day to stay in relatively good control. I still have to check my bs several times a day for calibration and good control of my diabetes (which I don’t like), but I have been able to get my A1C down from 7.5 to 6.5 since going back on the pump in May. I’ve had my share of frustration w the pump too though, due to kinked cannulas, bad sensors and my pump alerting me for a variety of reasons, but I feel I am under better control w a lot less low bs, which is my biggest fear, especially while sleeping. Diabetic supplies are very expensive and if you need help w insulin contact Eli Lily and other pharmaceuticals to see if they can help you. ReliOn meters at Walmart and their strips are fairly inexpensive and are rated pretty good. Also if you can participate in clinical research trials for T1D, they often give you supplies while in the study, plus you can make good money. Good luck!
I am 54 now, I’ve always done shots, currently use Lantus as background insulin and Humalog pens, I’ve always resisted going onto a pump as I feel shots are better for my active lifestyle. I was diagnosed when I was 18, I then relocated to the U.S. in my 40s and had to get used to a whole different system of healthcare management, I guess what I’m trying to say is that every day is a challenge, we all know that but it is precisely because of who we are that we can deal with these challenges. You should have no problem going back to shots, your Endo should help you, the one thing about this disease is that we can take control of it ourselves and I’m sure you will too. Good Luck, I hope everything works out for you.
Thank you! Hope to be able to see a Dr soon. Fighting for Medicaid at the moment.
What’s your a1c? How many shots a day do you take?
I take two shots of Lantus a day, 32 in the a.m. and 35 in the evening. I then use a sliding scale for the Humalog pens. My last A1C was 7.5, not ideal but a huge improvement on what it was four years ago when I went on this regimen. I keep a pen with me at all times, I may take anything between 7 to 10 shots a day of varied amounts and I use the Freestyle Libre sensors to give me a constant readout of my sugars and the reader also shows the trend so I can anticipate highs or lows before they happen. This has led to much better control. I’m not sure if Medicaid will have access to all these but they should get you access to insulin for shots as it’s more cost-effective for them than pumps.
Oh my goodness! You are a SAINT!!! I’m going to PM you.
I currently use omnipod with about 10 rates per day. As soon as I see a trend I tick the rate a TEENY bit higher or lower. Switching to pump while I had awesome insurance coverage helped me avoid lows which I’d get regularly while using Lantus / pens. Unemployed also, I entirely feel your pain!! Was denied federal disability and told to seek to Medicaid so your story is scary, I’m so sorry you’re living through this. I know insulin companies offer lower rates if you’ve no insurance. And Regular insulin costs less even though that price is WAY higher than it should be. If you’re able to PM me, please do, I’d be happy to try to help however I could! I’m at hello jennifer gmail (no spaces). I used to buy supplies from Canada also. I’ve been told Mexico is an easy source too and possibly easier for you to access. Best of luck. Regarding what you’ve said, in my experience, using many many rates has disturbed 1 nurse practitioner, but who cares, they work for my body better than her advice to me would have (death at 3u/hr,). Mine stair step up starting 1:30am through 10am. Then .02 /hr through 3pm then stairs to 1.25/hr, then stepping down til 9:30pm. Whatever keeps you most even is best, I’ve learned to disregard what drs obviously don’t understand when they reco something without a reason my experience tells me wont work.
Hi @Jaime7803. I’m both upset and angered over what you’re going through. Although you do want to switch to shots, sometimes on the forum people post diabetes supplies that they are giving away or at least getting rid of.
I want to say I am so sorry for your complications. I am in the middle of fighting a lot of the same complications for about 10 years now. After 5 years and being forced to stop working it took me 6 months to get approved for ssi then I had to wait for Medicaid but I did get that too. When I went into ssi building and took all my medical info from all my Dr’s. I had a file box full of documents showing I was disabled. I gave them everything to answer anything they had try to deny me. There was over whelming evidence.