To pump or not to pump...?

I have been on the insulin pens since my diagnosis two years ago and have done just fine.  I am getting ready to go to college in the fall and I am wondering if I should make the transition.  I hear from a lot of people that the pump was the best decision they have made in regards to their diabetes; but the whole idea still freaks me out!  Input please!

I loved my pump. I wasn't that keen on the idea at first. I didn't like the idea of being "tethered". I also didn't like the thought of a cannula in me for any length of time. I started to pump because I had a kidney transplant and wanted the best controll possible. I didn't care if I liked it or not, I was going to do it. And I adored pumping. I was very insulin sensitive and the ability to micro dose was phenomenal. After a couple of days I didn't even notice being attached to the pump. And I didn't feel the cannula at all. My control was better and I had so much more flexibility. I could sleep in, skip meals easily, add a dessert without having to haul out a syringe, and deal with the dawn phenomenon easily with different basal rates.

Don't get me wrong, it's a lot of work. Lots of testing and calculating andn working out basal rates and sensitivity factors. But it is well worth it.


If shots are working for you then it's okay to stay with them.  I switched to a pump because I had too many highs and lows with shots.  A pump takes more money and more time when you initially set it up, but I've loved waking up to having the same blood sugar in the morning as when I went to bed.  

I agree with Jennagrant, if the pens working for you..why change?

I didn't like the pump when I was younger, I refused to even talk about it with my endo. About 3years ago I finally gave in and gave it a shot, after 16years with syringes. I don't have the best control, but I have decent control on shots. On the pump, I lost any control I had. I went low 3 times a week, sometimes up to 3 times a day, no matter what I did with my doses and then I would spike. It was a horrible 3 months for me and I gave it up. I'll try it again possibly when they become more like an actual pancreas but for now, I'm sticking with what I know works for me. =)

What works for some people doesn't work for everyone. Some people can't get control with pens or syringes. Some people can't get control with pumps. Some people can get control with any method. Just the way it is.

I have had Diabetes since I was two years old.  I went on a pump when they were new to the market when I was maybe 16 and have been on a pump ever since (I'm 29).  I would never go back, realistically speaking.  Sure things get annoying here or there or you get frustrated with this or that, but the pros far outweigh the cons for me.  I am a male and a pretty active one.  The pump allows me to be more flexible with when I eat and what I eat and allows me to keep better blood sugars while doing it.  I can easily account for high levels of activity or anything that I need.

At first I was worried about the same things everyone is: being attached all the time, where do I hold it, what will people think, what if something goes wrong... but really, all of those worries disappear pretty quickly when you figure out it is never "that" bad.  Definitely worth the switch.  When people aren't getting good results on a pump it is either that their basal rates aren't right or they think it is a free pass to no longer keep track of what you eat and when you test.  Basal rates need to be smoothed out over a period of time to make sure they are working.

I love my pump.. but I absolutely HATED shots. i would cry and freak out every time and i couldn't do it. i needed a pump... so i got one! Don't feel pressured, do what works for you and maybe do a pump trial.?

    Good Luck! :)

Putting my son on a pump was the bes thing we could do!  Considering your schedule is going to get crazy when you get to college, a pump will give you great control.  There are adjustments to be made at first so make sure you get it started at least a couple months before you get to school to get all your rates set.  Also, if you are having highs or lows you can just call your endo dr and get adjustments over the phone!  Talk to your dr now to get as much info as you can.  Good luck!

I love my pump.

Been pumping for 5 months and I've had 3 lows :O I used to have a few lows a week. The pump has definitely helped in that area and that's my biggest plus from wearing it. I got my pump the day I graduated from university so I can't tell you what it's like to pump in university although I think it would be less "visible" in a sense, if that is a concern of yours. Pulling out my pen and meter was troublesome for me.

I was nervous at the beginning that it would fall out or be uncomfortable but it takes time to get used to it. It took a few weeks before I was checking to make sure it was still on me and now I don't even notice it.

It depends on the person, if it's possible I know some places let you have a trial period of 3 months maybe use that to your advantage. I started pumping in the summer when I was out of school so I didnt have too much stress on me which I think made a difference

i want to get a pump its $10 000 dollars!!!

Our Animus Ping was only 5000 and our insurance covered more than we thought!  God is Good!

If you live in Ontario - the government pays for the entire price of the insulin pump 7500$ for me and every 3 months I get an allowance of 600$ for supplies. I pay out of pocket 41 extra dollars HOWEVER I claim it on my income tax return and get it back.

I don't know if your insurance or government will help you out, I hope someone would!

Your article is excellent Emily, Eating disorders only exist if you lie and protect them, They're based on feelings and feelings are not reality, You are sane and you are on the right track, Keep going....

Victoria, if you have not yet gon onto a pump, I offer strong recommendations to start.  I'm in my 57th year on insulin and started using "rustic" pens in the 1970s and finally switched to a pump 9 years ago.  One of the best decision I've made for treatment - it took me a long while to convince myself.  A pump will give you tremendous freedom as far as meal / class scheduling and also help keep you from going off the "deep-end" when you occasionally want to party.

Yeah [the old guy speaking], just be sensible and you will do just fine.

Actually, the sell them to insurance companies for $5,000!   To you w/o insurance $10,000.  Some system we have!

The problem is that the pump and the supplies are by prescription only and supplies prescription only.  I often have enough to give some way, but it is illegal and I don't know anyone asking for supplies.