Sick Day Routine

I woke up yesterday with an awful cold - runny nose, throat so sore it feels like I'm swallowing razor blades, and just general achiness and fatigue all over my body.  I can't remember ever being sick and it affecting my blood sugars in the past (I've only been T1 for 3 years) but I'm having the worst time with my readings these past 2 days.  I'm pretty much living right around 200, which sucks, my control is usually quite good.  I've upped my basal insulin to 20% above my normal amounts - do I need to go even higher?  I'm afraid to even eat anything at this point! I'm curious about what others do when they are sick.

If I'm eating (like w/ a cold), I up my basals by 10-20%. If I'm throwing up and not eating at all, I take 50% of my basal and no boluses. But, I've had D so long that no endo has talked to me about this in years. It's what works for me personally. Probably, someone else knows what the "official" guidelines are?

P.S. Hope you feel better soon!

Thanks Sarah.  When you're eating, do you also increase your boluses? I just realized that I've only been upping the basal, maybe boluses need to be higher too?

[quote user="Candace"]

Thanks Sarah.  When you're eating, do you also increase your boluses? I just realized that I've only been upping the basal, maybe boluses need to be higher too?


I just monitor a lot and try to make changes quickly if I need to. So, I usually do have to change my meal ratios too, but sometimes the bump in basal is enough.

Are your post meals numbers the biggest problem or is it all the time?