Hey girl! I'm stealing Katie's idea here :-)
Did you deliver naturally or by c-section?
Naturally assisted with forceps. I was scheduled to be induced at 38 weeks, but had contractions/ false labor for a month beforehand. My cervix was dilated to 3 cm and 70% effaced at my last appt and my BP was up a bit, so we induced 2 days earlier. Just a few drops of pitocin and the doc breaking my water and we were on our way! Wound up needing
How did the doctor/hospital control your glucose levels during labor?
I controlled it myself with my pump the entire time. I developed a plan with my endo and my OB just checked in on me to make sure things didn't get too crazy. I pushed for 2.5 hours and got a little worked up, so I had some highs (150's) because that what happens when i get upset/ overtired.
Did you have a long labor?
No! I think this was because I had false labor etc for what feels like forever. I was only in labor for 12.5 hours total, from my first drop of pitocin til I heard lil' dude cry. I also want to add that my contractions never fit the mold. they were never regular or strong looking. Even with the internal monitor. But i progressed FAST.
Did you experience any complications during pregnancy or labor?
After 2.5 hours of pushing i opted for the forceps delivery which lead to a little bit greater of a tear and an episiotomy. My recovery was not bad at all though. I'd do it again. I did however have an elevated AFP when they did the second trimester screening...which kept me up at night until a high risk ultrasound ruled out any defects. I also had high fluids during the last trimester. Neither of which had any impact on the baby. I just had a really big belly!
What was your A1C and/or worst glucose levels during pregnancy?
6.8 at conception, 5.6 up until the third trimester, then it jumped up to 6.5. But my endo thinks the jump was mostly due to steroid shots i received when in the hospital for early labor. I had a lot of lows (50's) in the first half and then i had some low 200's (less than 10) in the third trimester.
Were you on injections or the insulin pump?
insulin pump. And it made it so easy! I'd just email my endo with my concerns and he'd email me back with new settings! I had one office visit with him... then he just said he'd rather me not have to pay a 30$ co pay when we could talk on the phone/ over email for free! I'm so lucky :-)
What type of insulins did you use during pregnancy?
Overall, I had a very positive experience. Aside from every ultrasound being told he measured big and it was because I was diabetic ( he was 7 lb 9 oz at birth... not all that big) I also had a top notch medical team, which I really think made all the difference for me. So my advice would be to find doctors you really like and not to be afraid to keep looking.