Ok I was recently refered to a new group of health professionals to help me deal with the fact of having so many low's which happened very fast and often. So in the team of professionals is a women that is supposed to be a diabetic pump trainer/nurse. and she keeps wanting me to upload all of my results for her to review and she would get back to me about changes that should be made. so i uploaded on the weekend and sent them to her and when i finally didn't get an email back by 12pm today i decided to call(i was upset and i just want someone to really help me put myself back together) and when i was talking with this women she keeps talking about using temp basals and how to adjust them and how to only give so much of a bolus before doing an activity, then she informed me that it is all trial and error. well i took it into my own hands and this morning i had a plan to get up and do a workout before breakfast if bg was good but of course it wasn't it was at 3.9(70.2) so i had breakfast which was only a bowl of special k red berries (2 cups)and 2 ex lg coffee and when carbs were figured out i was only going to give for 50 carbs but gave for 35 carbs to have a bg that was a little high but no bad, but when i tested again oh was i ever wrong about it cause now my bg is at 24.1(433.8) i can't believe this and i have no idea what this women was talking about with the temp basal's and she doesn't make any sense to me so right now i want to give up and say to hell with it all and just crawl in a whole and die. right now i don't care if it comes down i'm just mad, upset and very fustrated and i'm very sorry to all of you but thanks for letting me rant.
"If it were true that we are what we eat, them I am fast, easy and cheap" -- Barbara Johnson