A parent of a teen with type 1, who was recently diagnosed with a form of arthritis - entheritis-related arthritis - would love to connect with other parents whose children also have an arthritis dual diagnosis.
If anyone in the group can help her, I will direct her to this group.
I was wondering if anyone ever responded to you? I was diagnosed with Type 1 at age 8 in 1983 and RA in 2005. Its been very tough living with both and hoped to find others that were dealing with the same issues for insight and ideas.
I was DX’d with type 1 in 1974 nd RA in 1999. I blog at RADiabetes.com. Love to have you drop by. I now know of 5 of us, of course there are many more, but we have two bloggers with T1 and RA. My firend Molly Schrieber (now were at Jax) also blogs about both. Both of us would delight in having anyone who wants drop by.
Thank you so very much for replying!! I am so excited to find there are others out there to connect with that have both - I can’t wait to check out your blog and get your insight. I have felt so isolated and that I may be the only one out there.
You’ve been battling these 2 diseases a long time. Thanks again for respoding!
Im not a parent, but was Dx’d with Type 1 in 1981 and with RA in 2011 (probably undiagnosed since 1994). i thought I was an anomaly as well. I would love to connect with others like myself.
Its really been helpful to know that there are others dealing with the same issues – most of my doctors have never had a patient with both and even my Rheumatologist who has been working for many years has only had 2 other Type 1 and it was long ago before the biologics. Am curious what treatments others are using with the RA to balance out with the Type 1? I am on Actemra after humira failed after 11 years and was on low dose steroids (rayos and pred) for when things were very bad but the docs are really pushing me to stay off them bc of the impact on my blood sugars - its such a delicate balancing act. Sadly the steroids really helped my quality of life. I am not on a pump and working to get a CGM - I am very interested in the new closed loop system that came out but looks like it will be a while before its available. I also take off-label invokana for 4 years and its been a wonder to help my blood sugars with all the stress of RA and pain. Would love to hear what others are using for their regime.