Recently diagnosed

Hi guys, my daughter was recently diagnosed with type1 and I’m devasted… we came home last night and I balled my eyes out leaving the hospital… I feel scared for her and for myself… I don’t want my child to die or suffer

Hey Mayra. I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter’s diagnosis. I know it hurts and I know you’re scared. That’s normal. I know it sounds impossible, but things will get easier and this condition will eventually become the new “normal” for you. Please don’t hesitate to post questions on this website as you have them (because you will have a lot of questions at first; again, that’s to be expected) and feel free to message me if you need anything. All of us on this website (myself included) are proof that your daughter can absolutely go on to lead a full and remarkable life with T1D.

Thank you :heart:️ I’m so confused , and I’m just a mess … I have to have a schedule for her and since no one at my home can watch her she has to be more time with her other parent and I just deal with being away from her

Thank you soo much how have you cope with your diagnosis… truly an inspiration that you are very positive

Hi Mayra @Mozluvsme18,
I feel your hurt, your anxiety and your anguish. And I can only imagine what you are going through as a caring and loving mother; two of my sisters recently reminded me of the “worry” our mother had when I was diagnosed - that was over 60 years ago.

I won’t try to deceive you, getting adjusted to your daughter’s “new way of life” will not be easy for you, there is so much you must learn - but after a few weeks you will become more comfortable. You don’t say your daughter’s age, but chances are she will adjust more readily than you - yes, she will let Mama do her worrying.

My suggestion; listen to and learn from her from her healthcare team, do not hesitate to ask questions. visit here frequently and post your questions and concern - there are many knowledgeable persons here who have lived well with diabetes and will offer suggestions from their experience. Do not let some people with negative gripes bother you too much, be positive about your daughter’s success story. As for you referring to possible short life and suffering - I’ve lived for over 60 years with diabetes and I’ve done everything I’ve ever wanted to do, without suffering any more than the general population; I’ve met several persons who have lived with diabetes for 70 and 80 years - and keep in mind that the first insulin injection was ONLY 95 years ago.

My thoughts and prayers are with and for you

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Hi Dennis thank you soo much , my daughter just turned 9 on Xmas day , 2 days after she was diagnosed … I look at her and I can’t help crying … but I know I have to get myself together for her and for myself as well

Hello Mayra, in modern times type 1 children have an excellent chance of living long healthy lives, The life expectancy for young diabetics in the US is almost as good as it is for non diabetics.
I was diagnosed in 1945, when I was 6. After 72 years of type 1, I am healthy, with no serious diabetes complications. It was difficult back then with no meters to measure blood sugar, and the insulin we used was taken from the bodies of cows and pigs. Things are so much better now. You will give your daughter a good start, and she can fulfill all of her goals while having a long, healthy and happy life. Good luck to both of you.

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The biggest thing for your daughter to do is accept that the disease will not be going away. I was able to understand that by day one and I have never felt as if it is something extra on my life, just a new normal. A huge thing that helped with the pain was getting the Omnipod pump because I was only hurting from pen shots. God bless.

Your daughter’s school is responsible for all of her medical care including carb counting the schools lunches that you buy. You must first set up a 504 meeting to address ALL of your child’s needs at school. My daughter is 7 and was diagnosed at 3. We have had 3 amazing years in a public school. T1D can be a very challenging at times but once you have the mindset that this is a lifestyle change for the both of you things will be a lot easier.


I remember feeling exactly how you described yourself feeling years ago when my 12 yo son was diagnosed; we were fortunate to get him to the ER before he lapsed into a DKA coma. There was so much denial, confusion, wonderment, and hopelessness. But so many of those negative emotions dissipated after I met someone with Type1; I was able to hear from a real flesh-and-blood person standing right in front of me that it is not a life-ending, debilitating disease. He was a college student playing soccer who had been diagnosed at 6 yo. Also, I was fortunate to meet his mother and hear from another real flesh-and-blood person that caring for a T1D child and young adult is challenging, but not devastating. I would encourage you to find someone you can talk to face to face that would share his/her experience.

And I would also encourage you to feel free to ask anyone here in this forum or or anywhere you might meet them face to face any questions you have - no matter how insignificant you are afraid they might sound. It is my experience that most people with T1D, or who care for a T1D, are more than happy to answer questions from those who are new to T1D. You are not alone; you don’t have to try to do it alone.

I too understand where your coming from my daughter is 5 and we found out this oct. going through the holidays for us was a challenge but we did it as time goes on you learn and it gets easier to cope. There are still scary moments, but now she reads the label to tell me how many carbs. she helps mord with sugar checks. It is very difficult to see your child go through this this i know but you go through it together. Your her rock and as time goes on you will see how amazing she adabts to this.

When I came down with Diabetes Type 1 I was 6. My mom and dad were in the same place that you are. My mom had to boil my sirenges before I could take my shot, they were glass. We slow-lie began to adapt to life with Diabetes. I have had it for over 51 years and still doing great. There are so many fine tools avable to help you get threw this. There are so many new things coming up to eventfully cure Diabetes, and a cure is so close. The J.D.R.F is a great place to help all of you get stared with treating this diase. I cant begin to know how scared and angry you all are, but you will get threw this. I got threw this and have lived a peaty normal life. Good luck and stay in touch.