Really wanting a pump

i really want a pump, but having a really hard time getting my A1C down in the ammount of time required. i have another 3 months to bring it down. and i want it down to about an 8. honestly, to embaressed to say my current level:( pretty much, i just would like tips on how to balance teen life, and being able to meet the requirments asap!! thanks:)

This is a double edge sword, they say you have to be in control before they let you have the tools to be in control.  I found this to be an issue also when I was trying to get a pump and I figured the way around it, there are always ways to do things even if nobody says it.  An hour before you go to the lab for BG testing, take your short acting insulin and bring your current BG down to a lower range, like 100 to 120, do this without fail. When you are tested for A1C and it stills shows higher than they will want, they will also look at your BG's when you tested, that will give them the idea that it is happening when you are not awake. Which can be helpful for your quest to get on the pump.  Going through all the changes of being an teenager makes any attempt of normal very, very difficult at best.  Do what you need to make your BG's normal when you know you are tested, and assume you will be tested every time you show up.

Who in the world said you have to lower your A1c to get a pump?  If it's your insurance company, have your doctor write them a letter saying it's a medical necessity because you're having frequent highs and lows.

If your doctor is the one who made up this silly rule, I'd find another physician.  They obviously don't understand much about diabetes or how the pump will help you.

It is common, it was an issue for me I tried several times before I came up with a way around it.  Not everyone has resources finding doctors that understand what is clear to us.  Take what you can get.

yeah, my doctor has been the one saying that i need to get my levels down, then i can get a pump. but in my opinion, every day that i go with having high and low blood sugars( very frequently changing!!), my body is being more effective. but my doctor also told me that a pump can be dangerous, and havinng one while my blood sugars arnt stable, can be dangerous too. i just dont understand, if they want me to have good levels, i need help with my control. ive tried telling my doctor that, but she doesnt listen. and ive switched doctors about 4 times in the last 5 years.:(

If you can, get a copy of John Walsh's book "Pumping Insulin" from the library or bookstore.  It gives many examples of the people pumps can help.  

Shots work for some people, especially those who are more disciplined by nature.  But for anyone who isn't or who hhas a varied schedule, pumps are ideal.  

Make a plan for your doctor to lobby that you're ready to try a pump.  Probaby the best argument is that you can try a pump and if your diabetes is less well managed you can go back to shots at any time.  Show her you have the information to carb count and do insulin corrections accurately.  

ill have to look for that, i know that my doctor wants me to have one, and ive been taking AWESOME records on my blood sugars, carbs and insulin intake for the past 5 months. but still nothing, because my sugars and A1cs havnt been they way that she wants them. i know that shots do work, but for me, its the fact that they dont work as well as i need them to. personally, i think its my lantus, that it doesnt want to work well with my body

It's not you, it's the insulin.  Lantus gives one flat base rate of insulin.  With a pump I've learned I need seven different base rates through the day that vary between 0.6u  and 1.3u an hour.  It differs for each person.

I took the time to get the pump settings accurate and can skip meals for a whole day with no highs or lows.  My blood sugar is usually about the same in the morning as it was when I went to bed.  

With shots my lowest A1c was 8, but I had tons of severe lows.  It felt hopeless because no matter what I tried, it didn't help.  I haven't made any other major changes, but with a pump have a consistent A1c of 6.5 with few lows, none severe.  

Ask your doctor if you can find a compromise you both agree to regarding trying the pump.  Maybe something like if you like the pump and can drop your A1c one point within the first 6 months, then you can keep the pump.  If your A1c is worse at your 6 month visit, you'll try shots again.  It's your disease and your health.  She should not be withholding treatment options from you.  

Ill have to try thr compromise thing. And, I want to get the ball rollin before school atarts, so I dony have to worry about it as much with the ups and downs with my sugars