Rate my Snacks

I guess ill start with my healthier snacks, now I might be in a honeymoon phase so it could change.
A. Fresh fruit bowl, I chop up a fruit in bite size pieces and add blueberries. By a fruit I mean either one apple or one peach etc etc. But don’t forget the blueberries, they are a super food.
B. Small salad, I use spinach(another super food) for extra nutrients, otherwise use whatever salad veggies you like, I top it with Casique Queso Fresco, lemon or lime, and avacado if I want it to have substance. Queso Fresco is a mild crumbly salty cheese with about 1/4 the calories of regular cheese, I add it to other cheeses for other meals to make things extra cheesy minus the guilt.
C. Voortmans Sugar Free Vanilla Wafers. Definitely more of a snack like snack but I think these things were invented for diabetics so if you haven’t had them maybe it’s worth a try. :slight_smile:
D. Popsicle’s, Sugar free Popsicle’s are great and for a chocolate treat I eat 1 Fudgesicle brand Fudgesicle, it only has 2.5g sugar and again it’s chocolate.

These last two may or may not change after the honeymoon phase.
E. Triscuts, I love these things as long as I stick to the recommended serving size (as is with everything)
F. Skinny Pop white cheddar Popcorn. Again you can’t just eat the whole bag but the serving size is perfectly satisfying to me.

I would like to conclude with saying that so far I can eat whatever I want it’s just I have to portion it properly. For example my favorite cookie is chips ahoy chewy chocolate chip. So far if I want I can have ONE chewy chocolate chip cookie and dip it in my skim milk and you’d might be surprised but that one cookie is enough to make me feel like a person again lol. So far I think that if you eat well on a regular schedule than every once in a while you can eat a small amount of literally anything. Let me know what you all think oh and the rating lol, let’s make it 1-5 , 5 being great for you and 1 being terrible :wink:

hi Jeanne @JeanneMS ,

Nice to see that you are experimenting with different foods and I expect that you may be keeping a log about how these foods / snacks affect YOUR body, your BGL. Remembering that when you calculate your bolus insulin that you include all carbohydrates - not only “sugar”. Read food labels completely and keep in mind that some “sugar-free” foods may contain more carbohydrate than real food. Foods labeled "Healthy " are often less healthy for a person with diabetes.

I won’t rate your snacks, except A, but I will endorse your guideline that “we” may eat just about everything as long as we know the content [carbs and fats] and monitor quantity. In addition to counting carbs, keep an eye on fats which delay or prolong the action of carbohydrates - for instance if you eat a large amount of pizza, your BG may soar 3 or 4 hours later; so watch your cheese snacks.

Snack A: something I enjoy, I eat at least three fruits every day. A medium Mackintosh apple and a 1/2 cup scoop of delicious blueberries weigh out to be at least 30 grams of carbohydrate - delicious but …

Hi Dennis, thanks for your reply. I’m sad you won’t rate my snacks but it’s all good. On the issue of carbohydrates. I have to be honest that I do not count carbs but I also do not eat anything made with white flour, unless rarely. Okay so first fruit is a simple carb aka simple sugar therefore it breaks down faster than other carbs which is an important difference. Also it’s important to note that fruit also has fiber which is great for us. So as long as you don’t sit down and gorge on apples we’re good. Next is the complex carbs we get from starchy veggies and whole grain. Those take a lot longer to leave our system but also raises our bg very slowly. So as long as you stick to portion sizes its not an issue for me. The issue comes with the complex carbohydrates found it products with white flour, even at recommended portions it raises my blood sugar high, and all day too. So if you’re going to count carbs which again I don’t, it’s important to understand the differences I think.

Counting Carbohydrates has become second nature to me having ben doing that - although it wasn’t called Carb counting - in the 1970’s after living with diabetes for 20 years and trying to manage with coarsely purified animal insulin.
As you exit your honeymoon and your body stops keeping you more or less in balance you may find that you will need to apply a little more thought to foods consumed and dosing appropriately with insulin - it was well over 60 years ago that my pancreas stopped producing insulin and quit sending the signals to my liver to regulate glucose. However, while eating whatever I wish to eat ]average over 215 grams of carbs a day] I’ve maintained glycosylated hemoglobin [now called Hb A1c] plus or minus a decimal point of 6.0 since I participated in the development of this wonderful gauge in the early 70’s and maintain a BMI of 20.0.

Alright Mr Dennis I challenge you. I challenge you to make your own post and title it “Rate My Snacks”. Pick 5 snacks that you eat regularly, feel free to add little notes saying why. And allow us to rate your snacks knowing that this is only meant to be a playful way to see what other people eat and give new ideas to diabetics young and old. Also congratulations on your impeccable a1c.

Hi JeanneMS,

Since you mentioned the honeymoon phase, I’m assuming that you were diagnosed recently. As you leave the honeymoon phase (sadly) you’ll start to notice the effects that different foods, particularly carbs, have on your blood sugar. I would recommend that you start looking at the carb count when you are checking the serving size, because you will want to learn how to count carbs as soon as you can. Can you let me know if you are on a pump, budgeting carbs at meals and taking the same daily doses, giving injections for meals and snacks? It’ll affect how I’d rate your snacks. I’m rating these assuming you’re taking 2-3 injections daily of the same set doses. So for your post request:

A) Nutritionally great option! As a tip, maybe check out info on the glycemic index, because it helps account for fast-acting and slow-acting carbs and can help with making good fruit choices. It’s complicated though, so be prepared. Apples and blueberries and bananas that aren’t too ripe are all better than higher-sugar options like pineapples and mangoes. As long as this snack isn’t causing a blood sugar spike I’d give it a 10/10. Prepare yourself emotionally though because as you leave the honeymoon phase the fruit will start to cause more of a spike, so adding a string cheese or nuts may be a good idea. Low GI fruits won’t affect your sugar as much as high GI fruits. 8/10 because adding some nuts or another form of protein would make it a more Diabetes-friendly snack.

B) 10/10, I’m copying you because that sounds delish!! Adding chicken would be good too, but ideally snacks shouldn’t be more than 200-250 calories (at least for my goals). The avocado and queso fresco add a good balance of fat and protein for the carbs in the veggies. Once your pancreas completely stops producing insulin, even spinach and vegetables will have some effect on your blood sugar, but I rarely bolus for less that 10 carbs. I like to pre-make baggies of sliced cucumber, bell pepper, or sugar snap peas as a very easy and low carb and nutritionally dense snack. Again, adding some string cheese, a few pepperonis, laughing cow cheese can make the carbs hit your system slower and smoother.

C) I haven’t ever tried these, and am too lazy too look up the exact nutritional info right now. They’re probably an ok option if you feel like you need something sweet, but I wouldn’t make it an everyday thing. I’d rate that 4/10 because even though there are fewer carbs I’m sure there are still some, and there isn’t really any nutritional value to the wafers. But, sometimes you just need something yummy and it doesn’t have to be full of protein, vitamins, or anything but yumminess!! Keep these around for those times, they sound like a much better option than most other naughty choices!! So if you want them, have them and don’t feel bad, but try to keep them from being a daily snack habit. Another slightly better sweet treat that is kinda similar would be graham crackers with peanut butter.

D) Same answer as above. Sometimes a good yogurt has more protein and has probiotics so nutritionally it can be a better choice if you want something sweet, but any of those would be fine. 5/10 for this one. But again, if you want one then have one and don’t feel bad at all because they’re a way better option than many ice cream or popsicle options.

D and E) As far as a snack for me, a Type 1 Diabetic for 16 years, I would give these snacks a 3/10. They’re not terrible, but there isn’t anything nutritious in them that your body really needs, and the carbs will cause blood sugar to spike. These are Better options than white crackers or movie theater popcorn, but not as good of a choice for a snack as celery with peanut butter, a handful of almonds, an apple or a pear would be: I get the Triscuits though, those things are delicious!! Luckily they are the best cracker option for us. I take a half-serving of Triscuits and have a few pepperoni slices and/or laughing cow cheese to slow down the blood sugar spike. Again, not super-nutritious, but it’s so good and filling and isn’t going to cause any harm. Popcorn…it’s lower in fat than chips or other popcorn, but it’s definitely fast-acting carb without much fiber or nutrition. But if you want it for a movie, you’re fine.

Remember you won’t ever be perfect, so don’t beat yourself up. Even as I look over your snacks I can totally see myself having any one of them, but it wouldn’t work for me for every day. For now, they’re all totally fine choices since you are in the honeymoon phase, but I rated them based on how I would eat snacks now. <3

Hi Hottie, thanks so much for your reply. I appreciate your critics and love that you reminded me of laughing cow cheese, that stuffs delicious.
As for me I take Humulin N. Twice a day when I wake up and go to bed but at least every 12 hours. I take 35units morning and 15 units at night. I eat 3 meals a day but my snacking happens mostly in my day time “peak hours”. I usually snack 2-4 times a day depending on my meals and snacks, I check my bg before I eat anything. I honestly probably check it too much to figure everything out. I really hope I don’t have to do it all over again.

All right Jeanne, I will share some of my more common snacks; but just to let you know most often the snacks I eat [except when at gatherings] are to provide me with longer-acting, low peak carbohydrates. And oh, forget the “Mr.”. Snacks geared to allow me to lead a free-wheeling retired active lifestyle and snacks that hold up to outdoor life in Florida.

Most often, either a granola bar or crackers and peanut butter. Why - being out and about walking or helping others with chores I carry a glucose meter in a compact pouch [camera bag] on my belt which also holds a six-pack of crackers & PB and a granola bar. The bar has only 7 grams sugar but 19 grams carbs in chocolate and nuts - both snacks maintain my BG at a good level while I stay active.
The outer pocket of my bike bag [people who know me refer to this bag as ‘diabetes stuff’] has two six ounce apple juice boxes, two packages of crackers & PB and two granola bars; I’m known to take off for 6 or 8 hours riding the island back roads; in the bag itself would be lunch and Kindle reader. When I stop to lend a hand with ‘housing renovation’ volunteers this bag gets hung on a convenient nail - and folks know to hand it to me when i act funny.
In the frig for today’s football [and yesterday’s too] are several chunks of cheese - all varieties - and cold adult beverages to be consumed with a variety of crackers and fruit slices. Granted that on Sunday I make a wild-A guess as to the number of carbs I’m consuming and bolus just by guess - occasionally I take the correct amount of insulin but I always dose conservatively knowing I can make a later correction.
I’m far from being “PERFECT” but I’m happy, lived a full life working professionally for over fifty years and retiring in 2010 on the first day of my 70th year and have somehow learned to live with TypeOne Diabetes now into my seven decade. Yes, I have been very lucky - in many ways.

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Hi Jeanne,
You reminded me a lot of the importance of including carbs in snacks when you are first starting out with injections, rather than a pump. In that case, honestly, all your snacks are great choices to maintain a healthy weight, if you don’t want to go with just basic fruit and nuts. Especially since you watch your portion size. I started out long ago with a doses of NPH in the morning and at bedtime and doses of humalog at breakfast and dinner and sometimes lunch. Snacks had to include “slow acting” carbs to avoid a spike or a low.
Just be sure to keep up with testing your blood sugar frequently (I find that to be the hardest thing to do) and listen to your body. Mynetdiary is an app you can track your food on for free, and their premium edition has good Diabetes friendly tracking options.
Best!! <3