Pump start next month! questions on accesories

I can't believe it's finally happening!!  Jeremy's one touch ping was delivered friday afternoon!!  We have our first training class wednesday, and he's scheduled to start pumping on May 14th!!  After waiting for so long, it feels like it's happening soooo fast!!

I'm wondering if anyone can help me figure out what accesories, (belts, ect.)  we will need to purchase for him to help him wear it?  Any input would be greatly appreciated!!  I'm thinking a belt would make it easier for him to get used to?  Looks like I need to hurry,  I'd like him to start wearing it to get used to it, before we actually start pumping. 

Any suggestions would be great,  not only on accessories,  but just pump starting in general.  Thanks in advance!!  Have a great day!!

Congratulations on Jeremy's pump start! You're right; the day will be here before you know it! How old is your son?  Is he active (i.e. in sports, etc.)?  If you give a few more details, the rest of us might be more able to make appropriate suggestions!

Thanks!! OOPS, I guess more info would help!  Jeremy just turned 5 in March,  he's very active,  always on the go, and he loves swimming.  He swims about 3x's a week. 

Congratulations!! You chose the right pump for your little swimmer, the ping is water proof, just remember to change the battery camp every year so that it the connection stays good.

Since he is young you might want a pouch for him to wear it in, one that works kinda like a belt. Younger kid pants never seem to stay up very well against extra weight. I'd suggest looking at different sites online for the one that he likes the best and thinks is the coolest. If he likes it then he'll be sure to wear it.

i suggest http://www.pumpwearinc.com/pumpshop/

My son is 9 and also very active! He uses the clip that came with his minimed pump, unless he is wearing jeans, in which case it can slip into his pocket.  He doesn't like the way it feels in his pocket if the pants are baggy, as it will flop around and hit against his leg. The clip grips tight on the waist of his pants, then his shirt covers the pump.

 I purchased a soft belt with a pouch for baseball, but he doesn't like the way it feels or looks, and he won't wear it. I also got him a skin to cover the pump with his favorite MLB team's logo. This was a hit, as it makes the pump look cool.

 Hope this helps! Good luck, pump starting is stressful, but it will be worth it. Be prepared to get up for night time BG checks (2x a night for the first week for me) We have been pumping for 4 months now, and I am really glad we did it!  Good luck!


[quote user="Anne"]he is wearing jeans, in which case it can slip into his pocket.  He doesn't like the way it feels in his pocket if the pants are baggy, as it will flop around and hit against his leg[/quote]

He could clip it onto the pocket, so that the pump is in his pocket and only the clip is on the outside...

i went on the pump about a week ago. i have a grade 8 leaving ceremony and today i picked out a dress to wear to it. when i was trying it on, i had my pump on a little pouch with a belt and i had it down to the tops of my legs, but it still made a huge bumpp. the dress is more tight fitting at the top and flares out a little at the bottom. any suggestions on how to hide it. i have a minimed pump.