My son is 14. He was daignosed a year ago. It has been a very hard year for him.
He is in 9th grade. We have a 504 plan but I never received my copy of it. I assumed they would follow it.
My son misses alot of school. His blood sugars will be great for a week or two then he will go high or low several days in a row and it takes another week or so to get him straightened out.
The 504 plan said I could write parent notes to excuse him. Now they say no that is the case. He has missed too much school. The teachers are not very good at communicating with me. I sent a few e-mails with no response. Well, one teacher did respond! They all have my e-mail. I never received a phone call a e-mail nothing from his teachers.
The school nurse told my son she thinks he makes his blood sugar drop on purpose. I cant believe she would say that too him. She told me that also. I tried to explain that recently his sugar drops he is with me. We turn off his pump and it takes 4-5 hours to get him up and stay up. After a few days of that he is exhausted.
Needless to say he and the nurse do not get along. He will not go to her for help now.
He has a cell phone and we text all day. I just worry so much when he is low like this.
THe school says we have other diabetics who dont have problems or miss school.
Everyone is different and they wont believe that.
I am so frustrated! Now I see why everyone I know with a diabetic child HOME SCHOOLS!
That is not a option for me right now. I am a single mom and I have to work.
My son is also in honors classes. He is soooooo smart! I just hate it. He feels uncomfortable in school.
They just dont get it.
I made pamplets for all the teachers the beggining of the year. The nurse said she would hand it out, I found out she did not.
It feels like they are against us.
I have a meeting next week. I have a child advocate coming also.
does anyone have a 504 and does it cover sick days?