Pregnancy and type 1

Hello! I have had type 1 for 6 years now. My husband and I would like to try for a baby this year. Anyone have any encouragement? What was the major obstacle (if any) did you face? I am a little scared with it all. And any advice would be appreciated! Thank you!

I had a baby in July. If you don’t have a pump/cgm, I would consider getting one. I uploaded my pump/reading weekly and spoke with the nurse, did 10-15 blood tests a day, kept my a1c low, and had a healthy 6lb15oz baby girl.

You may want to hop on over to the other Diabetes and Pregnancy conversation happening over here too.

Also, download the Diabetes and Pregnancy Toolkit located in the resources section

Hey @laeagles
The biggest obstacle I faced was getting over my own misconceptions that a diabetic pregnancy was unsafe or that my child was likely to develop diabetes. Those things just aren’t true. I had a healthy pregnancy and baby after 28 years with type 1 diabetes. I was not surprised, nor was my doctor or husband. But most other people thought it was some sort of miracle that I’d avoided being like Shelby in Steele Magnolias. =)

Having a pump and good health insurance helped a lot. I also had an OBGYN whom I liked and who trusted me. When he saw my blood sugars were well managed he let me move my appointments to every other month, instead of monthly, for the first couple of trimesters.

I definitely was more careful in my diabetes management and had the best control of my life while pregnant. But it didn’t seem as difficult because I was doing it for my baby.

There’s a good book called “Balancing Pregnancy with Preexisting Diabetes” by Cheryl Alkon.

@jennagrant doesn’t Steele Magnolias put the fear of God in every T1D you know??? lol

Steele Magnolias scared me before I was pregnant, but once I was managing a diabetic pregnancy I realized that movie has nothing to do with my reality.

Poor Shelby was just born before glucose meters and insulin pumps and carb counting. Even during her era there were women with type 1 who had health pregnancies. But sometimes life can be unfair.

I was surprised that some of my co-workers, family, and friends thought my pregnancy was bordering on immoral because they’d seen Steele Magnolias. I tried to explain about the technology advances and about my OBGYN’s great reports. I was one of those lucky pregnant women who looked and felt amazing. But some people were more influenced by that movie than by the reality before them. I had to be content with being right and having my beautiful son. =)

Thank you for your responses! It is encouraging! I have a Omnipod pump and I love it. Makes life so much easier! I have been asked by several people if I am going to have children, a couple of them said oh no have you seen Steele Magnolias? People are funny!

Before I was diagnosed I didn’t even understand what was happening to her. But, after I realized how crazy that movie seemed and it is not at all like real life!!