Potty training a T1 toddler

My son just turned 2 and has had T1 for 8 months.  He's ready to be potty trained!  The only thing he hasn't done is write me a letter to ask me to potty train him. 

So, I bought the potty seat, the underwear, the whole thing and found out that he pees every 7 minutes.  I'm not exaggerating.  A full bladder of pee, every 7-10 minutes.  He's on water only to see how thirsty he really is, but he still pees and pees.  His sugars are under control.

My Endo thinks I should wait until he's 3 and can communicate better (and even wait till he's dry when he wakes up).  I'm due with #2 in June and do not intend to do any potty training in the 2 months before and 5 months after the baby's born, so if we're going to do it, it's gotta be now or not until he's 3. 

Any advice?


~Blake's mom

I don't have a child w/ T1, so these are only some guesses on my part ...Sorry if they aren't helpful!

- are his sugars under control between your usually checking times (such as right after a meal). when I've been high, I feel like the pee has built up even when it's coming down (sorry guys -- TMI!). is his overall a1c okay?

- has he been checked for a UTI or anything else that could make him pee more. when my son was less than a year, he got a uti and I was changing sooo many diapers a day

- I work w/ toddlers and I find that they'll potty train most successfully when they are actually ready... diapers staying dry for  couple of hours between changes, awareness of needing to go or dirty diapers, interest (which it sounds like he has), basic self-help skills w/ pants etc.

- are his overall motor skills typical? sometimes kids with slightly less developed motor skills may be slightly slower to potty train b/c it involves some control of the muscles down there

- does the pediatric endo think this is due to T1 or not?

In general, it's a small percentage of kids I work with who are potty trained around 2. If things don't work out now, it's totally typical to wait until closer to three. I see more after 2 1/2...

I hope you can get some answer at least before the new babY (and congratulations on your 2nd!)

I was also afraid that having T1D would make it harder to potty train. My son, Brandan was diagnosed at 12 months old and 3 months later, SURPRISE, I was pregnant. I had the brilliant notion that I would get him out of diapers before the baby was born so I tried at 18 months. Of course that was way too soon. The baby was born 12 days before Brandan turned 2. I wasn't too persistent with potty training since I had the baby and all, but I had him in trainers. When he turned 3 I really got serious about it. I tried a few methods and  each one would work for a day or so then he stopped going. Finally I noticed that he slept all night without peeing for 2 nights in a row. I got him Spider-Man underwear ('cause that was his fave character) and he was so upset about peeing on Spider-Man that he wanted to stay dry. And of course he got tons of praise when he went to the potty. He was out of diapers 2 months after he turned 3.

The bottom line is that I don't think T1D made it harder for him. Your little guy might just be going so much 'cause it's something like a game to him. Maybe he hasn't learned yet when he REALLY has to go. Be patient with it and don't feel bad about waiting 'til he's 3.

I've decided to just do it when's he's either dry at night or 3....or when it seems like the right time!  Thanks for all the input!  Very much appreciated.


~Blake's mom


I've decided to just do it when's he's either dry at night or 3....or when it seems like the right time!  Thanks for all the input!  Very much appreciated.


~Blake's mom