My daughter was diagnosed in February and has been using the Tandem t:slim pump for a few months now. She loves the independence of having the pump, but at least every other time we change her site, it is painful, either for a few hours or the whole time. She has tried all the different infusion sets and we have tried legs, abdomen, and upper bottom. She is very lean and I think we just have a hard time finding enough fatty tissue. Anyone else experience this? Any advice?
You can see if thandem has shorter infusion sets I had to use 6mm sets instead of the standard 9mm sets and you can try my fav- top back of the butt. See the diagram in this link to another conversation
@Chetnkara And sorry, I meant Tandem in the last reply
Hi, new here, and I just recently started the Tandem pump as well. I remember my rep showing me an infusion set that goes in at an angle instead of the standard 90 degrees. I’ve been pumping for almost 10 years now, and am used to the slight discomfort from the 90 degree sets, so I chose the Autosoft 90. If you haven’t already met with a rep, call tandem get an appointment to meet with your rep, otherwise, call your rep and tell them the issue you are having, ask about other infusion sets. The reps with tandem are great.
Hi , I’m 15 and I also have the Tandem t:slim and like your daughter Iove having the pump and the more flexibility with it and the experience but yes my sites get very painful and it hurts a lot sometimes and even once my jeans pressed on my site and it cut my stomach a little but what I found helps is just watching your body and seeing if it is beginning to puff out from where you keep putting it so you might want to move it over or up or down more, but also to to ask your doctor to show you all the possible places you could put it because for a long time I didn’t know you could go higher up on your back and it has made a world of difference.