One year in

and here we are.  I just barely found my way here and hope to find it helpful/useful as we begin out next leg of our journey.  Dylan, our oldest, was diagnosed last January and the past year has been dedicated to figuring it all out.  


I finally figured out that "crazy" is our new normal and nothing is ever the way it should be.

Ive spent the past year getting angry and upset and crying and having all the issues that surround being a T1D mom that its consumed us to the point where I dont even remember what it was like not to test sugars or give injections.

We are using lantus/novolog pen injections and soooo looking forward to a change this month!  After working hard to bring down a rediculously high A1C level at dx, we are now at 8.5 and slowly getting better.  Our endo agreed to the pump and we are sooo excited to finally get on it!

We've raised enough money in the past few months to send our kiddo to Diabetes camp in California this summer and have become more active with JDRF and TOFUN over the past few months as well.  I think we are finally to the point where we are ready to be active... to bring awareness... and to get involved with other families...

Which has brought me/us here!

Any advice about the pump?  We have been looking into the various kinds... and we are leaning toward Animas Ping.  Thoughts?  Considerations?  Im open to any advice! 


Hi Laura, and welcome! My daughter has been pumping with the Animas Ping since late August. We love it. It's very easy to use, and it's really great to have a remote, so I don't have to wake her for nighttime corrections. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have.

Thanks Michelle!

Our endo recommended the Animas Ping due to the fact that the adjustments can be made at such a small dose. With corrections at half a unit with Dylan, it just can make his sugar spike really high or dip really low which stinks.  Luckily, weve been able to balance it and keep numbers halfway decent... although... 180 may seem high...  we actually SMILE when we see that number. lol.

After looking into that and other pumps, Dylan was even able to point out the pump.  Im looking forward to our "hands on learning session" with him and the endo team in two weeks to allow him to ask questions, see the pump and figure it out.  The videos I find on the internet usually include the CGM and he gets nervous as the adults on the videos even show them hesitating to put their CGM needle in place... and I haven't found a decent video that shows someone using the pump and changing the sites to be able to show him "this is all you will be doing".  

How was your daughter when you first started the pump?  What was her reaction?

And one more question... did you do a lot of night time checks prior to the pump?  I hear a lot of people check throughout the night with their kid(s) and have to do corrections.  We haven't had to much unless he has been sick.

Thanks again for being open to answering questions.  I appreciate it. :)

[quote user="Laura Christine"]

Our endo recommended the Animas Ping due to the fact that the adjustments can be made at such a small dose. How was your daughter when you first started the pump?  What was her reaction?


I love that you can dose in such small increments, it really makes everything easier because you can give them exactly what they need (once you actually figure out what "exactly" is - that's the hard part.)

Sarah wanted the pump pretty much as soon as she was diagnosed (last March). She worked really hard on carb counting and such, and started pumping around late August. She adjusted to it pretty much instantly, with no issues. She LOVES her pump and would never want to go back to shots. I love it too because once we got all the settings adjusted her bg's have gotten much better - fewer highs and lows.

[quote user="Laura Christine"]

did you do a lot of night time checks prior to the pump?  I hear a lot of people check throughout the night with their kid(s) and have to do corrections.  We haven't had to much unless he has been sick.


Once I was satisfied that she doesn't really go low at night, I rarely check. If she has a late snack and I know insulin is still working through her system, I will check before I go to bed. With the pump, the correction doses are much more accurate, and it takes into account how much insulin is still in her system, so we've had very few issues with nighttime lows. Today might be an exception though. She had a late dinner and was 148 before bed with 1.4 units still on board - so getting ready to go check her just to be safe.

Good luck with everything!

nice site.....
very cool site man!!!!!!!!!!!!!awsome
i m new here..pls help me to get a new experince....thank u.


We are also about to hit the 1 year mark. My daughter is absolutely scared of the pump. It seems everyone has a horror story. Which I hate listening to and we have just started to stop people before they start. Anyhow. My question is have you ever heard of the Omni POD.? It is considered to be a wireless pump no surgery required. Also you can do half doses boluses etc. Its suppose to be the best thing since slice bread. Any thoughts or have you heard anything about it? Thanks




We are expecting out pump to come in TODAY!! We also are switching to the Animas Ping after alot of pumping classes, research and mtg with the reps. I loved that you can bolus from the remote AS WELL as the pump itself. At first we liked the idea of the Omni Pod but soon discovered all of the other advantages for a 5yr old of the Ping.

We also are using Lantus/humalog and excited/anxious/nervous for the change. The Ping has so many advantages...I think you made a great choice!

Good Luck to you and your family! :)


welcome to the site! happy to hear your son will be a fellow pumper soon! i've only used medtronic pumps, but i know plenty of people who have the ping and love it.

there really isn't a "bad" choice when it comes to the pump. just do the research (as it looks like you have) and pick the one you like best. good luck!!


[quote user="ajewels2003"]

We are also about to hit the 1 year mark. My daughter is absolutely scared of the pump. It seems everyone has a horror story. Which I hate listening to and we have just started to stop people before they start. Anyhow. My question is have you ever heard of the Omni POD.? It is considered to be a wireless pump no surgery required. Also you can do half doses boluses etc. Its suppose to be the best thing since slice bread. Any thoughts or have you heard anything about it? Thanks






i know people who use the omnipod, and they really like it.  not sure what research you've done on the pumps, but NONE of them require any surgery.  the big 3 pumps are medtronic minimed, animas, and omnipod.  your daughter's endo should be able to help you decide if a pump is the right choice for her.

as for horror stories, i've been pumping for 14 years, and don't really have any.  i mean, sure, sometimes a set will go bad, or the tubing will get kinked, but i love my pump! please post again if you have more questions--there are a lot of pumpers here! ;)