I know that I seem to write more rants than praises with my Insulet devices and friends so I will point out that since I got the new controller my controller errors (from static) went away completely and my pod failures seem to have been decreasing. I have also been on and off the pods and done some more time on shots - just testing some theories so I'm not 100% devoted to the product to begin with...
That said, I had a really annoying several days with this pod reorder. I called up last Wednesday and told them I needed a re-order. My insurance was through the same employer, was the same type of insurance, with a new group number. I also told them I was running low on pods because I'd waited longer than I should have to order. They said they'd call me back. When they failed to call me back I called them and I was told that they had to re-verify all of my insurance and it would be a little while before they could get back to me. Sunday, wouldn't you know it I had a pod fail on fill up - that famous 19-...64 thingy... Now I'm down another pod, already low and when I call in for support the (very kind) guy I was talking to informed me that he couldn't ship a replacement but he would have it put in with my next order... Which was still in mystery land... GAH! He did tell me he'd mark it urgent and that I should get a call the next day...- Okay *deep breath* Monday was a fantastically busy day and I didn't think to call until after they were closed - and... yes, they never called me. Tuesday, I called on my way to the office. The customer service rep I am talking to is reviewing all my insurance information with me and starts asking how much money I have in my HSA account (health savings plan through work)...
Now - a brief note here - in the 21/2 -years or so that i've been using the Omnipod, they ship them, they bill me, I pay. This has been the process and there were no notifications of any change. I have never missed a payment nor have I ever paid late.
I told her to let me worry about my balances and that I would surely pay the bill, as I always have, when it arrives. "We no longer ship without payment..." I was told. "Really?" I asked, I don't recall seeing any notification that you changed your billing practices or payment requirements. "We're working on a letter," i was told. I am fortunate enough - even with the chaos in my life right now, to be able to cough up the money without notice (I have a high deductible plan so until mid-way through the year, the full cost comes out of my pocket). I would have had notice had they bothered to tell me they were changing their policy. It seemed to be very irresponsible to me and I don't like having terms changed without notice or regard to the people the changes effect.
Anyhow, next office visit, I think I'm going to see if my doc will go for a Ping trial...
Since I hate to make it all bad news: I still have only good things to say about Navigator and the support from Abbott... It is, by my estimation, the BEST TOY (d-tool) EVER!!! :)