i've been on my omnipod for 4 days and have had much better blood sugars. has anyone else seen this? i was on my minimed for 8 months and my sugars were never this good for so long!
thats so coolo I have a Medtronic pump!!!! It is Awesome!!!
I love my omnipod! I've had it for about 6 months and I have amazing numbers. My A1c is 6.8. It'll get better :)
that's awesome. are you using the same insulin? same basals? carb ratio? sites? level of activity?
whatever it is, i hope it continues!
haha no im not. My honeymoon stage is almost over so I have been increasing my insulin to carb ration and basal rates. I change my site every other day and mostly use my stomach area. I like to use my legs but since Im and athlete, i have really muscular legs so I get scar tissue and bumps. My level of activity hasn't changed one bit. And thanks!
[quote user="ajax"]
that's awesome. are you using the same insulin? same basals? carb ratio? sites? level of activity?
whatever it is, i hope it continues!
[/quote]i'm doing everything the same except i was running low at night so my dinner ratio got changed from 1-8 to 1-10
How is it going with the Ominpod? I am currently using the minimed pump and want to change to the Omnipod. I hate all the tubes with the pump. I am getting a lot of negative feedback from my Drs. They really don't want me to change to the Omnipod. They say they don't have a lot of users in their office. And they tell me it is more expensive than the minimed. Do you have any negatives about the Omnipod?
The reason why I chose the OmniPod over the minimed was because I hated the tubing. I love my pump because its so far ahead of the others. I have already switched a few of my diabetic friends from the minimed to the Omnipod!! It is a little bit more expensive than the other pumps, but its totally worth it. If your Endo clinic doesn't have a lot of users for the Omnipod, why not be one of the first ones? Its so easy to use and figure out. The only problem I have had with the Omnipod was a few weeks ago when I had a few defective Pods. It was really easy to detect. My counselor for OmniPod was at my house that night and replaced the bad Pods. They are so nice, and really its just like a big family. It is so worth getting it. Also, the insertion feels less than a finger prick. I don't even flinch.
Thanks for the info. Yes, I am tired of the tubing. That is why I went off the pump awhile ago but now I am back on again. How uncomfortable is it to have the pump attached to your back when you are sleeping or sitting in a chair? Have you had a lot of problems with alarms going off?
I wouldn't say that the pump is uncomfortable, just something that you have to get used to. You don't notice it when you are sleeping. For when you put it on your back, you will have to find the most comfortable spot particular to you. Also, their are many other places to put it where it won't bother you at all. I thought that having something attached to me 24/7 would get extremely annoying, but I was 100% wrong. Also, they are making the pods 1/4 of the size they are now, so you will have more room and options for placement. As far as alarms go, they only go off if you haven't changed the pod or if there is a low resivoir, which happens mostly in the beginning because you are still trying to figure out how much insulin to fill the pod with. They stop after a little while.