I was diognosed about 10 months ago with type 1 and had an A1C over 12% then. Now I have an A1C under 6.5% and my BS is usually between 90 and 200. I only take 15 units of Lantis a day.
What I am wondering is why my BS never drops below 90 or why I dont experience the low BS like most type ones have? Do other type ones have this?
Dont get me wrong, I am not complaining, but just curious.
Have you had c-peptide and other tests done confirming you're a type 1? Based on the small amount of insulin you use, you might be a type 2 who uses insulin. Or you could be a 1.5, which is a slow developing form of type 1. If you are type 1 then you're still in the honeymoon period. Either way, your pancreas must still be making a decent amount of insulin.
Type 1s use a long acting insulin like Lantus for a slow, steady, base rate of insulin. Then we use short-acting insulin to cover every carbohydrate we eat and any other blood sugar increases not handled by the base insulin. Because of all the variables that affect blood sugar, it's difficult to dose insulin correctly, so a couple extra units can easily create a low.
Sounds like the insulin dose you're on is working well for you. Keep doing what you're doing.
I called my endo and they said they did a Anti-Gad test and thats how they determined I was type one. They said they did not do the C-peptide test. I am wondering though if I am not type 2 though. It seems like the more weight I lose and exercise the better my BS is.
(I'm no health professional, just a T1 Mom). It sounds like you are in early T1, and that your pancreas is still producing insulin, which is a good thing. Exercise and diet can have a significant impact on your BG. Exercise burns off excess glucose, and obviously the fewer carbs you are consuming the less insulin you need. When we eliminated dairy from our family's diet for a while, our son's basal insulin requirements dropped in half, and his meal bolus ratios dropped as well. So, whatever you're doing, it seems to be working for you.
If you are still producing insulin, you may want to consider entering a clinical trial. There are a few out there now where medications are being tested to halt (or hopefully eventually reverse) T1 development once it has begun. In your case it might be worth looking into.
The 2nd part of T1 is the body stops producing glucagon, the substance that tells the body to excrete stored glucose during a BG drop. At least one of the Artificial Pancreas teams (that I know of) is working on a "dual" pump that will dispense both insulin and glucagon, which would go a long way towards eliminating lows. If your body is still producing glucagon as well as insulin, then your BG is going to be more stable than someone with full-blown T1...which is a good thing :)
Mo is right on. You'd be a great candidate for a trial to prolong your islets making insulin.
Dr. Richard Bernstein is a doctor who's a longtime type 1 himself. He advocates eating a low carb diet for all diabetics, especially to prolong the honeymoon period for those newly diagnosed.
Whether you're type 1 or 2, exercise and weight loss will improve blood sugars and usually decreases insulin needs.
My son (10) was diagnosed 2 mos ago and he has never had a high! Like you, Carl, I'm not complaining, but I wonder when the other shoe will drop, so to speak. My son is definitely honeymooning. His A1C at diagnosis was 10.5 and at 2 mos it is 6.6. He does experience some lows when playing sports, which we are learning how to limit, control and treat. But we have never had to give him a correction for a high. I have attempted to research clinical trials but have become overwhelmed by the number I've seen, I don't feel I know enough yet as to how to research the trials. All the best, Carl.
How do you handle the lows or limit them? My son was just diagnosed a few weeks ago and from just going shopping his sugar dropped to 66. He is going to start basketball in a few weeks and I am really concerned. He does gym at school and dance at church in the same day and usually the next day he is running really low again. I dont know how to adjust other than give him a snack. Any information will be appreciated. Thanks
Just from my own experience with going to the gym on a daily basis, it is a lot of trial and error to figure out how to limit your lows during exercise. The best thing you can do to limit the lows is to check, check and keep checking. Before, during and after games will help. Having glucose on hand at all times is a must. If your son is running on the lower side before a game, I would have him eat something with some protein and a carb together. Maybe a peanut butter sandwich or cheese sandwich something like that, which will last during an entire game to keep him stable. Another option may be to have a protein shake or bar. Have you talked to your endo or CDE about it? Maybe a nutritionist who can better help you find healthy options which fits your sons lifestyle ? Hopefully, I have helped a little!
Thanks Gina, it helps. We have our first appt on Jan 6th. I will talk to them, he is leaving in the morning for 3 days with our church youth for a retreat. I am a little worried as they will be very active but the nurse said to cut out 20 carbs when counting and make sure he eats lots of snacks as sugar goes low. Thanks so much, this is all very overwhelming. Even though my husband is type 2 he doesnt follow anything and does what he wants, I wont let that be a option for my son.