Night spikes

Ok so my daughter is 5 years old, diagnosed June 2019 T1D…lately I have noticed her levels runs very high at night, she gets her bedtime snack 8:15-8:30 then Lantus at 9. She takes 3 units of Lantus…I correct 11:30-12:00 then again at 3am, depending on my work schedule if she gets another correction at 6am. Starting at 9:30 she’s starts climbing by the time correction comes around she is over 300, I correct and at 3am she usually still really high like the first correction did nothing for her! Has anyone had this happen and any advice to help?

It sounds like you’re having to make a lot of corrections. If you’re not already doing it, keep a detailed log of everything she eats and her insulin doses. If she is low at bedtime and needs a snack perhaps a different or smaller snack will keep her from soaring later - check with her endo.
It could also be that her basal (long acting insulin) needs have changed, which is not unusual. With record keeping her doctor and dietitian should be able to level things out.
PS, I was 3 years old when diagnosed and am pushing 60 and doing well now. Looking forward to many years of health and happiness for your daughter!
PPS, what are you using for corrections?


Definitely depends on the snack… her snack is probably not affecting her body for 3-4 hours by then her insulin is wearing off and the correcting game starts.

Your daughter’s long acting insulin, taken at bedtime, should be just that, long acting. You should discuss this problem with her endocrinologist pronto, as you should not need to get up in the middle of the night every night to give her an insulin shot. This is not good for her sleep schedule nor yours.
This is a conversation you must have with her doctor after keeping records of her diet and exercise regimens for at least the last 2 weeks.
(Because I developed Type I as an adult, after contracting the flu, I cannot speak to how a child’s body behaves with Lantus. I have had Type I for 30+ years and I take Toujeo as my long acting insulin today. It works better for me as a long acting insulin than Lantus did, but Lantus is a good insulin for many, when dosage & timing are determined correctly. You many just need an adjustment of your daughter’s timing/ schedule.)
Best of luck to you!

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Thank you! Yes the Dr did mention maybe a healthier snack for her and ratio and correction change! Thanks for you advice! PS TELL YOUR SON LOVE THE JERSEY! GO PATS!!

I do keep detailed logs and her Dr has access to her Dexcom, they changed her correction to BG -120 divided by 100 only at night. Thank you for your advice

They recently changed her Lantus to 3 and changed up some ratios and just did more changes today and changed my over night correction. I’ve been correcting every 3 hours overnight for quite sometime now

@Dee314, if this pattern continues or has been like this for at least three consecutive days while she is maintaining a constant life routine. it may be appropriate [ask her doctor first] for you to add a “bit” of fast / rapid acting insulin to her 9:00 PM Lantus injection. The amount of fast / rapid insulin will be based on a combination of her insulin sensitivity and insulin:carb ratio.

It is really great that you keep a record of her food, insulin and activity as a guide for you and her doctor to use in adjusting insulin. “Be gentle” when adding additional insulin, increase by increments, and watch the effect for a few days before adding additional insulin. BGL running a little [not 300] high for a few days is a better situation than going hypoglycemic during the night and trying to get food into her. Good luck for you and your daughter.

Thanks,unfortunately we live in Buffalo so that’s a constant fight in my house. What I’ve learned in the month’s after my son’s diagnosis is that diabetes is an educated guessing game. Everyone is different and you have to figure out what is good for your daughter,also having a pump makes things a little easier.

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That’s what we are researching now is the pump and I’m thinking February we are going to go for it! Thanks so much!! Good luck to you and your family on your journey!

My advice is keep a food insulin and emotions diary. You will start to see trends. And you will start to see patterns of foods that Mayb her body doesn’t assimilate well. There are things like oatmeal that send my sugar through the roof. I can eat 5 cookies or any sugar and not have that reaction. And I can eat as many cherries and blueberries and strawberries as I like without a blip in sugar rising. Everyone is different. The doctors like to give a one size fits all. Which puts you in the right direction. But. You need to fill in the blanks. Also. I’m a big eat clean person. Our food is so chemically contaminated and I find it gives me trouble so. Learn about that too. BTcorn gmo soy. Glyphosate on almost all bread and wheat products. Etc. it seems overwhelming. But start where you are :). 30+ years here. And going strong!

You may want to join some additional FB pages too. There are many people who are following a bit lower carb/high protein to avoid spikes. will have some ideas on supplements in case she is still making some insulin and you want to try to keep that going. Some of the lower carb ideas for snacking are pretty helpful. The latest trend is “chaffles” which are basically just cheese and eggs (use the 660 MG DHA organic eggs) and look like waffles but have zero carbs…you can make a BLT with them or put salmon and capers on them or for kids maybe someone has some other ideas? Maybe some lean canadian bacon?? They are fun to make - if I can do it, a five year old can too :slight_smile:

I don’t know if this might help or not. Usually I have the same problem. My sugar can be right within the ranges and then around 3-6 it’s starts to go up. My endo said it was because of my kidneys releasing something. As I am on the pump he modified up my basal rate around those time. Maybe next time you see the doctor he can explain better

Dear Jane,
I developed T1 after flu, too and have almost 50 years. Congrats to you.
Cure It

So nice there are flu shots now, right?
Although, a friend’s son developed Type I at the age of 13 after he had Chicken Pox, so there are several cold, flu and other viruses that can trick the bodies’ immune system into attacking itself.

I’m just thankful I found an excellent endocrinologist in San Francisco about 3 years after my diagnosis. Although I just moved to another state, this is one disease where we are in charge of our day-to-day decisions/control.

I’ve had Type I now for 32+ years and my numbers look good and I’m overall very healthy. Very thankful for proper medical knowledge and care.

Hi Jane,

My middle name is Jane, too. I now have a T1 endo and a T1 nurse educator. That’s made a huge difference. They fully credit what I tell them about what’s going on. It feels like they’re on my side and we’re all against the disease. Are you using Fiasp insulin? It’s slightly faster.

I believe the flu I had was Cocksackie virus. It really flattened me. I could hardly get out of bed, and when I could I was so thirsty.

Hi again,
:slight_smile: Is your first name Curelt or is that your last name?

Jane is my middle name, too! Haha! I just dropped my first name (Mary) when I was in first grade! Got teased…I’m 64 years old, will be 65 this year.

I developed Type I when I was 32 1/2. My daughter’s pre-school class was passing it around and she got it, too. Although she got better, I started dropping 1 lb./day, was drinking about 12 glasses+ water/day and eating every 2 hours. SOOO hungry and thirsty. Started off at 135. Went down to 118 very quickly.

I’m 5’8". In less than 3 weeks I looked like a Vogue model on Heroin. Haha! Not really laughable though. I also had simultaneous onset of thyroid disease.

Currently I take
Apidra and Symlin pre-meal and Toujeo at night for my long-acting.

Works for me. My A1C’s are decent. Last 2 were 6.3 and 6.5. (didn’t exercise as much and it showed).

I know I can do better. Just need to hop on my exercycle and go for a spin!

That’s me. Tell me about you. :slight_smile:

Does your Fiasp work well for you? How old are you? How many years have you had Type I? How old were you at onset?

I retired early. My husband, who is 4 years older than me just retired. We moved to Texas. Love it here! I’m originally from Louisiana. It’s good

to be back in the South.


Hi Jane,

Could you send me your home email to write to? and I’ll start writing you from mine to answer your questions. Cure It is my JDRF handle. :wink:

Hi Curelt,
Don’t really know how to send you a private message…will have to figure that out later…tonight maybe…I’ve got a busy day today…
If you know how to send a private message, send me your email address and I’ll reply.