Hi everyone. I found out about 3 months ago I’m a T1D, very late in life at 34. I’ve stabilized my levels, and starting to feel better, but I haven’t really found any one with a similar background as me to talk to. I’m a father of 3 young kids, and work in advertising. I’m just wondering if there are any other people out there, dealing with every day parent/adult life, and dealing with T1D. Thank you for listening!
Hi Taylor @Designbuck03, Welcome to TypeOneNation and welcome to the select group of individuals [about 1.3 million] living with TypeOne.
To answer your question, there are many adults living with our condition, I was diagnosed 60+ years ago] and carrying on full adult responsibilities of raising kids, grandkids, supporting families and contributing much to society. There really isn’t much about having T1D that should hold you back from accomplishing your dreams as long as you take care about managing your diabetes. You will find, as time goes on, that you will become your primary care physician and manage well. And being diagnosed as an adult isn’t uncommon, about 50% of newly diagnosed in the USA are adults; there are several who post on here and also a “Topic Line” for 30ish T1D.
Stay active here, ask questions - you will have many, ask for tips or just vent your frustrations - you will have plenty of those too. I am NOT a medical doctor but I have many years living with diabetes. This site is for communicating with other people with TypeOne Diabetes [T1D] and [PWD] sharing experiences and hopefully learning about coping.
Good luck to you
Thank you for reaching out! I have definitely been learning to balance my insulin levels, and have pretty quickly gotten a handle on that. My biggest issue right now is extreme leg pain, that I’m struggling to find answers for. Hopefully I can find some people with similar experiences. Ill stay active and see where I land!
Hello Taylor. Your leg pain could possibly be related to diabetes, but not necessarily. Lots of PWD over time experience nerve damage, especially in the extremities such as feet, called peripheral neuropathy. I suspect that when you were diagnosed that your feet were closely checked, especially for pulse and nerve sensation. Occasionally I’ll awaken with burning feet like the electric blanket is set at 10 - we don’t have an electric blanket in Florida - so i’ll either stick my feel out from under the sheet or get up and stand on the cool bathroom tile floor - then go right back to sleep.
Balancing insulin is an ongoing process - what works well yesterday and today may not be right tomorrow or next week so I like your word “learning”; yes, as you are with yourself 24 hours every day and over a year’s time your doctor is with you only a couple of hours, you will need to know simple adjustments. Being your own doctor. Insulin needs change with activity and with temperature - so be very aware this summer when you are out running up and back on the soccer field with your kids - enjoy them now and as they mature.
A word of caution, which you probably already know, always have with you some form of carbohydrate in case your BGL [Body Glucose Level] drops too low.
Yea we kinda won the lottery no one wants to win but the whole thing does become routine and for me T1D is a background issue… don’t get me wrong it’s a priority but it’s become routine for the most part.
we’re not exactly similar but I have a little guy, eight-and-a half, and manage a job (with travel) and a house and taxes and stuff. Parenting is a challenge but my wife and I are having a lot of fun too.
recently diagnosed can be a challenge because for many people, your body starts to make it’s own insulin again for a short time. during this time insulin requirements are low and ups and downs may not be severe. i’ve been doing this a long time, though not as long as @Dennis, but I’d like to comment that perfect, or even “stable” blood sugar control is like throwing a quarter into a shot glass from across the room. you’re doing the shots thing now I assume? fast bolus and 1x to 2x long acting?
hope you are coping and please reach out to the community whenever you feel like talking.
I can only add to the previous posts that I am a father of two teenagers (17 and 13) and was diagnosed about 20 years ago. It helps that I have an academic background in biochemical physiology; but as pointed out before, knowing what goes on in your body does not necessarily mean that you can keep everything under control all the time. That is the stubborn randomness of biology.
For me, being physically active and trying to live as healthy as is reasonably possible (without denying myself any treats, like a cookie or something like that) is the best way to manage my diabetes. I find that, if my blood glucose levels remain in the “normal” range, I feel the best and the most energetic, which makes it easier to deal with all the other things that life throws at you. It can be cumbersome and daunting to have to take care of yourself like this every day, 365 days per year, but it pays back to try to do the best you can.
I also realized that the consistency and structure that living with diabetes demands of me is actually not a limitation, but forced me to live a healthy and active lifestyle that by now allows me to do things that I never imagined were even possible before I was diagnosed.
Hope this encourages you to approach your struggles in the most optimistic way and that you will find support here and among your friends and family. Take good care of yourself and thrive with diabetes!
I’m a 32 year old female just diagnosed about a week ago. I was hospitalized for 4 day with DKA. I also experience leg pains/tingling; I’ve been drinking more water and it has helped. My glucose levels are still very unstable and had to take a week of sick level, but was wondering if I should take some FMLA time-off?
Hi Taylor. I have T1 and I am 41. I was diagnosed 22 years ago. I have a 22 year old daughter, 15 year old son, hubby, 3 very spoiled wiener dogs and work full time. T1 can be very challenging, but you will get the hang of it eventually. I am always available to answer any questions you have. Where do you live? I am in Dallas.
I am 39, no kids, but was just diagnosed last week. I am fortunate to have a brother who was diagnosed at age 5 (I was 8 at the time) so my whole family is knowledgeable on Type 1. My one piece of advice is to try not to stress, it makes your BG’s more erratic. If you have a JDRF office near you, they can provide information. I just ordered some toolkits myself!