Hi, I just joined the site today. I found out I was pregnant about a week ago. Since then I have been alternating between smiling like an idiot because I am so happy and freaking out about my blood sugars. I use a Medtronic pump and CMG. Lately I've been having more lows. My diabetes doc said lows don't hurt the baby but at my first appointment with the OB she seemed to feel otherwise. I'm wondering what other people have heard and how often it is typical to send your blood sugar in for review. Typically I would just do that at my appointments every four months but obviously now I want to have much tighter control. My diabetes doctor gave me the go ahead to get pregnant and said to call the office when I get a positive. Now she's on maternity leave herself and the office said to fax in my numbers and the NP will review them and discuss it at the next scheduled appointment. Luckily it's only 2 weeks away.
Any advice anyone has would be much appreciated. I'm very excited to have found this group. Some of my friends have had babies recently but of course none of them have diabetes so their pregnancy concerns were a bit different from mine.