New to dexcom cgm

Hi guys,
I already have an insulin pump and it is a love hate relationship because of the adhesive. So I am terrified of the adhesive from tge DEXCOM because i am allergic to it, any suggestions? I have my training on thursday for my cgm.

I have an Enlite cgm but have experienced similar issues with the tape. With the cgm you can use a barrier wipe, just not under the piece that implants. That has saved me from developing ulcers. Ask your physician or diabetic educator as they may need to work with you and provide a script. You will love it once you get going with it. Best of luck!

Taking the previous response a step farther: if you can find Any adhesive tape with smooth backing to which you are not allergic, you ought to be able to apply that tape to your skin and then adhere your devices to the tape. Certainly the Dexcom inserter is sturdy enough, and being powered by your fingers can be pushed hard enough, to go right through anything less than a very thick, tough tape. The adhesive on Dexcom adhesive tape is pretty gentle – too gentle if you swim or take hot showers. Skintac liquid adhesive solves that problem; possibly it could solve your allergy problem too. Paul

Thank you guys! I have also heard of using Johnson and Johnson Tough Pads? I appriciate all the help!

Calibound97 - I use the Johnson and Johnson Tough Pads on my 1 year old daughter and they work perfectly. We’ve pushed the transmitter through the Toughpad but have also cut a little hole in the pad and put the transmitter through the hole - either way works - I feel like cutting the hole is a better option, the sensor seemed to last longer but obviously do what works and is easiest for you.

That being said - I believe the Toughpads are designed to last about 3 days (although they may last longer) me and me wife use skintac both before we apply the Toughpad and also over the Dexcom adhesive cloth once it is attached to my daughter - we’ve run this set up for 14 days plus, including bathing and swimming without any issues.

The Toughpads are rather thick so we’ve recently purchased some Tegaderm and DuoDerm to see if we have equal success using these two products as well. (as a side note: Dexcom is also investigating the adhesive being used by Omnipod as less people are experiencing reactions to that adhesive, but I think Omnipod is only designed with a 3 day window in mind.)

I had this problem and started using Skin-Prep, a product made by Smith&nephew. It is sold at my drugstore, and can also be found online. The product is a box of individually wrapped pads that enable you to rub a liquid over the area to be used for your CGM site. Let it dry, and then place the sensor there. When removing the site there is a film that can be removed with Uni-Solve, also a Smith&nephew product. I like both products very much.