New pump user-help

Just diagnosed in November, about to get my first pump. I need to chose between Medtronic Revel, Medtronic 530G, and the Omnipod.
My biggest concern is probably cost, which makes me wary of the omnipod (seems like replacing them every 3 days would be expensive). It does seem like a good option though if I wanted comfort.

I am not sure if I need the feature on the 530G that would continuously monitor etc.
I have talked to my doctor about this, but she basically said I can do whatever I prefer. Since I have never had a pump, I really don’t know how to gauge what to do.

Both the revel and 530G have CGM sensor capabilities built into the pump, though you do not have to use it if you don’t want to. Personally, this is the reason I’ve been a minimed customer for so long was because they had the integrated pump/sensor combo. (Animas JUST released their first combo that works with a Dexcom sensor, so there is some competition now)

You can contact the pump companies and do a free trial, during which you can wear a loaner pump filled with saline (not insulin) just to see what it feels like to wear one.

I don’t know if you’re a male or female, but one reason I’ve never been interested in the Omnipod is that it stays wherever you insert it for the 3 days. As a woman, sometimes my outfit choice dictates where I can hide my pump (pocket, clipped to waistband, clipped to my bra, etc). The tubing allows me to leave my infusion set in place and clip the pump itself wherever is most comfortable. With Omnipod, you’ll always have the “lump” where you’re wearing you pump–no moving it without changing the whole thing. I imagine this is less of a problem for guys.

As for insulin delivery, I think most pumps on the market now have all the same features. It really comes down to whether you want the sensor abilities or not.

Thank you! this is very helpful information. I am a woman, so it is good to know about the practicality of the pods.
Do you have any opinions on sensors vs. no sensors?

I love having the sensor with my pump, but it’s not for everyone. First, it’s a 2nd site you have to wear on your body (as in the pump infusion site plus the sensor). You need to change your pump site every 3 days and your sensor every 6-7 days if you go with Minimed. Second, sensor data can be overwhelming when it’s new to you and you can see your BG every minute of the day. If you react to every little change on the graph you’ll send yourself on quite a roller coaster. Plus, no sensor is completely accurate (I hear Dexcom is more accurate than Minimed’s sensors but do not have any personal experience with them). It takes time to learn when you can trust the number on your sensor and when you can’t. With all of that said, the alarms for high and low BGs are great.

Plus, if your insurance is covering all or most of the cost, my suggestion is to go with the latest-and-greatest pump model you can get (for example, get the 530G over the Revel). Pump warranties last for 4 years so usually when you go to upgrade there is some sort of improved model available.

Hey There, I just got my pump a few days ago. I love it for the most part! I got the Tandem T slim, it is so nice and easy and it looks amazing. My insurance company covered most of the cost for everything. Your site needs to be changed every 3 days, no matter what pump you have. So 3 month supplies are great for that.

Hi, I have used the MiniMed pumps for years & am currently on the OmniPod now. Medtronic supplies are easy to obtain & generally less expensive with copays or through insurance as the brand supplies you can use with them are usually preferred. I switched to OmniPod because of their tubeless function (which was better for me so that my son wouldn’t keep accidentally getting caught in the minimed tubing). The omnipod is not really that bulky actually & is quite comfortable for me. There are many places you can put it without getting hung up on your clothes. I’ve also been in tighter control of my sugars since being on the omnipod. However, the downside of the OmniPod is that the glucose meter built into the PDM that controls the pod is only compatible with Freestyle test strips. Most insurances do not prefer this brand, thus it is more expensive. Freestyle has a Promise program that gives you about a 40% discount, but even with that, I’m still paying $10 more. Insulet is saying that they are working on a way to change or remedy this issue, but I don’t know when or how long that will take for them to figure it out. The pods of the OmniPod are (or should be) considered “Durable Medical Equipment” & your endo can request of them as a medical necessity (if your insurance gives you a hard time about them). Every pump brand will have their pros & cons, so as someone mentioned before, it’s best for you to request a sample/trial to try out before making your decision. Also, try contacting the reps in your area for all of the pump brands you want to test. They’re usually more than happy to answer any & all of your questions about the pumps. It really comes down to how you feel with it & what works more efficiently for your daily needs.

A resource you may find helpful to read about, and ask questions about invidivuals pump experiences are users groups on Facebook. ‎I belong to Medtronic Insulin Pump, and I am sure there is a user group for Omnipod. ‎I’ve seen questions on there before about insurance, cost.