New meter ideas? Mac software? ContourUSB?

My insurance company (Blue Cross) is changing their coverage and as of 2010 my One Touch meter is no longer covered. I have to try other meters (read: cheaper) first, although I do have an option of asking for an over ride by my doctor. My initial reaction is to fight it - I like the advanced features of the meter like carb and exercise recording, even though I'm not using them consistently. 

One of the meters they'll cover is a Bayer Contour. (In 25 years I don't think I've ever had a Bayer meter.) There's software for Bayer meters called Glucofacts ( and the site says that it works on both Windows AND Mac OS 10.5.7. ????

Has anyone used this software and/or meter? Anyone using it with a Mac? Thoughts?

Actually....has anyone tried the ContourUSB?