New here and need some reassurance!

Hey all,

I'm new here and just wanted to say "hey." Up until now I've been chatting with folks on the ADA website and haven't found it very supportive. I am happy to find a site with a focus on type 1s only.

My husband and I got married just under a year ago, (1st anniversary on June 25th!), and we have started talking about having a family. I've been working really hard to get my glucose numbers into close-to-perfect control, and that has been going very well, actually. (Unfortunately, my meals are lacking a Anyway, in the process of getting all the necessary tests done to make sure my body is ready, it was discovered my thyroid is insane. I have subclinical hyperthyroidism, which means I don't exhibit the signs of hyperthyroidism, but my test results are off.

So as I got my blood sugars in better control, I was getting really excited about the prospect of a baby in our near future. I knew that type 1 diabetes and pregnancy were going to take some time and talent to work out. And now I have this problem to try to learn to control. The meds my doc has given me are not working yet. GRRRRRRRRRRR! I am so frustrated, disappointed, angry! It's the "Why me?" rant all over again.

So I guess what I'm looking for is some reassurance that pregnancy with type 1 and a thyroid problem can be done. I am seeing my endo tomorrow, and the high risk obgyn on Wednesday. Please! Share your experiences!


While I've never been pregnant or had a baby, this site is full of women with diabetes who have. I think you will find the support you are looking for, as well s opportunities to chat with other women in your planning phase as well. Good luck.

I wish you the best of luck and it can be done:) I have 2 healthy daughters ages 12 and 13. type one since 1993 and thyroid as well. I had 2 C-sections and everything went well only issue was that with diabetes the baby tends to be a bit bigger and therefore I had both my daughters 3 weeks early.

I had hypertyroid test results for most of my life, as well as an enlarged throid.  Never took any medications.  My doctors were always "keeping an eye on it."  I never noticed bad effects from it, and actually liked it because it seemed like I could eat anything and not gain weight.  

After having a healthy pregnancy, I became hypothyroid.  It's caused me to be tired, cold, and made it really difficult to lose weight.  I would happily go back to my hyperthroid days...  

Ask your doctors what the specific risks are with your thyroid issues and pregnancy.  And know that no matter how well controlled your diabetes is, as a type 1 you'll be considered a high risk pregnancy.  I was mad at being slapped with that label when I was perfectly healthy, but in reality it was cool because my insurance company allowed frequent ultrasounds so I got to see my baby-to-be throughout my pregnancy.  My son is 5 now, healthy and not diabetic.

Hi Laurie,

I have Type 1 and Hypothyroidism and will celebrating my son's first birthday on Monday!  I had him naturally, and experienced no complications.  I think the key is just staying on top of things and having a very proactive Endo and OB.  I actually saw both a regular OB, and the specialty OB at the same hospital.  In my case, the OB group (4 women) were totally on board with me doing things as naturally as possible, and the high risk doc was mostly just fascinated with my CGM (weird, I know!).  My Endo was very supportive, as were the OB Group and High Risk OB.  I think keeping tight control and being an advocate for yourself will get you a long way.  You're gonna do fine!!