New here and a question on how to handle childcare

Hi I'm new to this my name is Lindsay and my daughter is Cecilia. She is 2 years old. I've been type 1 diabetic for 14 years and she was recently diagnosed with what they are currently calling glucose intolerance because they dont want to label her a a diabetic just yet. However she is now on Lantus and we check her blood sugar 4-6 times a day. Now thursday she will start daycare for the first time in a year, she has previously been with a babysitter. What are some problems you have had with child care providers and your diabetic child? We live in oklahoma and I think we are lucky to have found someone where that has a diabetic employee so they know what they are doing and what to look for but I'm still very nervous about putting her into a daycare with this new diagnosis. Any information would be great to have. Thank you.


Hey, Lindsay,

We haven't had to deal with childcare for our son or with sending him to school.  But part of our package of information at his dx included forms to complete for school nurses, etc. including detailed instructions and supply checklists.  I would check with your daughter's endo and see what they recommend as far as paperwork for "schools". 
