So it’s been about three weeks so I’m starting to get nervous. For some reason the pinky finger of my right hand feels asleep most of the time! That tickly feeling like when your foot falls asleep. Doesn’t happen anywhere else, just that one finger. When I press on it, it goes white, when I let go the blood flows back right away so it seems like my circulation is fine…but still!
Has anyone experienced this before? I have tendonitis which has been acting up lately but I’ve been ignoring it as usual.
I have a doc appt in two weeks so I’m gonna ask him about it but thought I’d see if anyone has experienced this.
Ps I’m typing on my blackberry so excuse any spelling mistakes!
Could it be something like carpal tunnel? My fingers or hand fall asleep sometimes. Wearing a brace helps for swelling to subside so nerves won't be pinched. For sure talk to your doctor about it...good luck!
I am sorry I have no advice, but my left hand pinky and ring finger gets like that often and has forever it seems. I used to think it was nerve damage, but i never got it checked out. I notice though it is worse if my numbers are worse, but it has been off and on for probebly 10 years. I would be curious as to what people think also.
And those fingers and a little up my arm gets tingly and what makes it feel better for a minute is digging my nails into u feel that way too?
Maybe its caral tunnel…I do use a computer for work and alredy have tendonitis on that arm.
Nothing really helps it, I rub it or squeeze it sometimes but that doesn’t really do much…it kinda just comes and goes on its own. Sometimes it lasts for a long time, sometimes a short time.
When I had tendonitis, I also had carpel tunnel. Hopefully that's all it is! I saw a PT, and did the exercises she showed me, and it was cleared up within a couple of months...
awesome! i have hope! haha my tendonitis never "healed" according to my physio cuz i didn't go to physio for it and only took a week off the job that caused it(that's all wcb would cover) so if it is carpel tunnel, i'm gonna make sure it does haha. thanks sarah :)
that happens to me too! except it is usually the tips of all of my fingers on a particular hand. i never noticed it having any correlation with my bg but when i brought it up at my endos she suggested it was low bg....which doesnt really fit. so, i havent done any thing or figured out with was causing it...
My guess is Carpel Tunnel. I was waking up some mornings with those 2 fingers numb and my Endo said it's carpel tunnel. I've also read about it and it specifically says those fingers. Hope this helps...:)