Medical Alert Tattoo

What are your thoughts? Would you get one? 

I have a really hard time keeping up with a medical alert bracelet. Either I break them, lose them, or hate them. I have a couple tattoos already, so it wouldn't be a huge deal to get another one. However, this would be on my inner wrist and therefore visible ALL THE TIME. Usually i have my other ones covered while at work, so it makes me wonder…. is it worth it? I know my work wouldn't mind and would probably celebrate it because it's a safety issue.

So in all honesty from people who understand why it's important…. is a medical alert tattoo a good idea?

I say if you have them already and like them, Go for it.  I have a feeling it would be expensive but you won't need to replace it.   I also forget to wear mine and have lost several.  

I had the same problem with I got a tattoo and I love it. Mine cost about $120 but it's definitely cheaper than always replacing the bracelet. However, be careful if you're allergic to anything...unless you want your allergies tattooed to your arm too!!!

I am wanting to get a tattoo as well and will!! I currently have a rubber bracelet I wear at all times. I have had it for at least 4 years and never once have I removed it!