My sixteen year old daughter is dealing with being the only Diabetic in her school. She feels alone, and has been going through a rough time. Would love for her to get together with some other teens going through the same thing. I have reached out to Joslin, but they have no social events for teens to meet one another.
Have you checked out your local JDRF chapter? Maybe they can help you better. I searched for JDRF locations in MA. and there is the New England Chapter, but, don’t know how close that is to you. Here is the information below.
New England Chapter
60 Walnut Street
Wellesley MA 02481
(781)431-0700 Phone (781)431-8836 Fax
Also, you can try looking up Diabetes Camps for summer, I have heard a lot of great things about Clara Barton Diabetes Camp. Diabetes Camp is a great way for teens to meet each other. There is also the Children with Diabetes Friends For Life Conference which happens every year in July,
In the meantime, your daughter can also chat with other teens in our TEEN GROUP. While it isn’t person to person it could help her to feel less alone.
Other helpful resources for teens
Helping Your Child or Teen Live with Type 1 Diabetes
State by State listings of Summer Camps at the Diabetes Education and Camping Association