Looking for ID options for 9 year old boy

My son was just diagnosed with T1D a few weeks ago and I need to find some form of ID necklace/bracelet/temp tattoo that I think he’ll like and be willing to wear. I was leaning towards a dog tag style necklace but I’m open to suggestions. Also, what information needs to be included on whatever I choose?

Hi Melanie.

I have gone back and forth on bracelet to necklace. I had dog tag and then a more simple bracelet as I’ve got older— it’s 100% preference.

The things I had on the ID was
Type 1 diabetic
Known allergies if any
And an emergency contact

Would love for you to check out my T1 channel I’m starting : )

Ok thanks so much! I’ll check out your page.

I got some bracelets and necklaces from Lauren’s hope and I absolutely love them!!! They have some cute bracelets and necklaces for younger kids as well.:blush:

Hi @Melrosiest,

Our son was diagnosed with multiple food allergies prior to his T1D diagnosis, so we ordered a dog tag laser etched with his information and our phone number. He’s not growing that fast, but we felt that it would allow for that. He’s also less likely to take it off (he has strong feelings about his clothes and fabrics, possibly because of his ADHD). I also purchased a rugged pouch for his glucometer and other supplies (EpiPens, glucagon, etc) and a patch that says “Insulin dependent diabetic.”

Best wishes

You should look into Road ID. That’s what i wear and it doesn’t even look like a medical ID

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MedicAlert has quite a selection of bracelets, necklaces, dog tags, and even clips you can tie to your shoes - in styles for kids through adults.
You can set up an online account you can update as needed with contact info, new diagnoses, etc. I’ve had mine since I was probably 9 years old!

Hi @Melrosiest.
I have personally used Road ID and have been super happy with it. I personally got one that has a black silicone band with a clasp and have had no complaints. I’m considering getting one of the Apple Watch ones, so that I am not wearing something on each wrist.

Melanie @Melrosiest, according to trauma medical personnel that I know, and what I’ve read in EMS literature, it is best to choose something that is very easy to spot and recognize as Medical. I’ have been told that the prefered location for a medical identification to be worn is the wrist. I’ve been a member of MedicAlert for more than 50 years and wear a bracelet on my RIGHT wrist - the first and preferred place a medic will see it while attempting to get a pulse.

Hi Melanie! Welcome to TypeOneNation!
I wear a lot of medical ID’s because i am 14 and go out a lot to different places my mom wanted me to have a couple. I have a few bracelets and even one that’s rubber that i can wear when i work out. Preferably i either wear my workout one or a necklace. I prefer the necklace because its out of the way and I can tuck it in to to my shirt when i’m doing things. Hope this helps!

Though this may no longer be the case, I wore a medical alert bracelet between 1970 and 1984. During that time I had probably 1000 hypoglycemic episodes and NEVER did a paramedic, ambulance employee, or emergency room staff person LOOK AT IT! Once I regained consciousness I would get yelled at for letting myself pass out in public.
I do hope our world is more aware of hypoglycemic reactions and the ID bracelet, or dog tags, will get deserved attention.

Hi @Beulah9. I’ve always written a medic alert for peace of mind so I’m blown away none ever checked for one with you. Thankfully, in addition to my Medic Alert, my drivers license indicates I’m diabetic (hopefully the same applies to other forms of state ID), and there area also wallet cards to carry with other ID.
Things have changed greatly since the 70s and 80s - not least of all BG technology - but I was blown away by how many times you passed out - I hope you didn’t require 911 assistance on every occasion. I’ve only been hospitalized twice due to lows. I remember a nurse in the ER asking how long I had been diabetic and how often I’d been to the hospital. At that time it was 20+ years and that was my second time. She was quite surprised and said there was a man who came in on a weekly basis, and I had a hard time wrapping my mind around that.
Hopefully CGMS have made things better for both of you. Not to make excuses but I imagine it’s frustrating to see the same person over and over. Not everyone understands or even knows about hypoglycemic unawareness, which I hope would be the only reason for things to bottom out so frequently and require emergency intervention. I hope things are better for you now.
BTW, if I may ask, what happened after the 80s?

My son was just diagnosed a month ago and we went on Amazon and I let him pick something he liked and would wear at all times. He picked out a pack of Type 1 Diabetic Insulin Dependent Medical Alert ID Silicone Bracelet Wristbands. They were only $12 for four wristbands.