Hi Everyone,
I am a T1 since 1975, and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 1991. I am currently using NovoLog and Levemir FlexPens. I also have a Dexcom 7 CGM that I started using a little over a year ago. My last A1c was 6.3, so I feel I am in pretty good control (besides being overweight). I admit I am not the best patient. I tend to eat what I want and I don't exercise regularly. I "guesstimate" the amount of NovoLog to take before each meal, and am not always good at it because I do have a decent amount of hypos. I also frequently go "off schedule" on weekends. The only complication I have experienced thus far is a frozen left shoulder (and lately my right shoulder is starting to bother me).
My Endo first spoke to me about insulin pumps back in 1999. He gave me literature and a video, and said we would discuss it further after I had a chance to review the information. Before my next appointment, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, so my Endo tabled the discussion and has never brought it up again. I have been against the idea of going on pump therapy for several reasons. One was the tubing. I am kind of clutzy and know I would dislodge the pump regularly. Another reason is the amount of calculations required (carb counting, etc.).
I understand that there is now a tubeless pump available. Are any of you using it? I would greatly appreciate it if you could share your insulin pump experiences with me.