I haven’t been very active on this website but I was just wondering if anyone else is suffering from Lipohypertrophy because it’s something that has recently started to bug me. I had to stop using my stomach a couple of months back because I was getting too many bent canulas (I wear a paradiagm and quick set infusion set) due to hitting scar tissue. It seems weather it was the enlite sensor or the quick set there was alway something in the way i.e. fat and scar tissue. I tried shorter and longer canulas but nothing worked. I’ve always had two small bumps on my stomach from when I was young and never cycled through my sites but now they seem to be everywhere on my stomach and starting on my legs. I’m kinda worried that soon I won’t have anymore viable sites. The medtronic “nurse” and my endo seem to think that time will cure all but I’m not so sure. I now use a pattern of arms, thighs, back and butt and cycle through that on either side.
Just wondering if anyone else is dealing with this?
I didn’t know what to call it but I have recently had to get serious about changing sites around as my stomach is also full of scar tissue - I use a cgms and do injections with a pen.
I’ve also gotten more serious about changing needles whenever I think of it - I had been reusing whatever was on the pen, but clearly that was making scars too!
Trust your endo, but I’m curious what other people have to say too!
I have been type 1 since 1945, and did not rotate sites enough during my first 50 years. I have permanent scar tissue on my upper ab, and some similar problems on my upper legs. My infusion sets are used three days, and there is always some variable amount of insulin absorption, depending on the amount of scar tissue present. If I am running too many highs, I have to change my site. I use the Sure-T sets with my Medtronic pump, and I can pull the needle out and move it over a couple of inches, without having to actually change sets. I frequently have to alter basal rates and/or insulin:carb ratios, depending on the amount of absorption I am getting. Very frustrating, but it works.