Least favorite blood sugar?

any number that i can't explain 



I think Rich has provided the best answer of all here!

My worst sugar(s) is when they are below 70. It doesn't bother me when they are high they just bother me when I'm low. I get pissed when they are low. It's like I'm mad at the world. One time when I was low my friend was annoying me and I took a swing at his face. Luckily my other friends were there to stop me but I get violent when I'm low.


I hate highs. I'm more mutual toward lows, they're easier for me to fix.
120+ in a perfect world, I wish I never saw those numbers. Anything under 120 makes me feel like I'm doing a good job. Anything above that frustrates me to no end :D

[quote user="Alyssa"]



120+ is good for me until it hits the 200s. That's when it gets high for me.

ne thing above like 250 i get horrible migrains and im tired and thirsty and its bad!!

Anything above 200, I feel like crap.

 My favorite blood sugar would probably be around 50-70, around that range I feel normal of sorts. Guess its cause my body is use to being around there.

2 years ago when i went into DKA! my blood sugar was like 600! :0 I was very sick and in the hospital!!! I eas acually in
ICU for like 2 days!

[quote user="Taylor"]

2 years ago when i went into DKA! my blood sugar was like 600! :0 I was very sick and in the hospital!!! I eas acually in
ICU for like 2 days!


Wow...how'd that happen? like did ur pump fail or something?

563. that's what my blood sugar was when i was diagnosed.


in terms of every day blood sugars, my least favorite is low. especially waking up in the middle of the night with a low blood sugar. i always feel so disoriented. it's a terrible feeling. i pretty much hate lows... i passed out twice last year due to hypoglycemia. i landed on both of my shoulders... my left shoulder will subloxate (slightly dislocate) now, and my right one bothers me after throwing football or playing a game of softball.

i guess i went off on a tangent, but i REALLY hate low blood sugar. i would rather be high any day of the week.